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“I’ll buy you another one.”

Before I can say anything else he stands to his full height and takes off the silk sleep pants he was wearing. His cock is a beast, long, thick and curved. All my nerves come back full force and all the words I ever knew frog walks right out my damn head.

I begin to move up the bed and he grabs my ankle. “Where do you think you’re going?” I open my mouth to answer, and he says, “I’m not close to being done with you. Get your ass to the edge of this bed.”

I begin to scoot the edge of the bed, but I must have been moving too slowly cause next thing I know he snatches me down the bed by my ankle. I feel like I am at my OB-GYN appointment, because my ass is hanging off the edge of the bed and I have a foot on each shoulder. I am wide open for him and I start to feel a little self-conscious and I am glad I stretched in the bathroom because the last thing I want to do is catch a cramp. I look down at him and his cock looks even bigger than it was before, let me find out I am going to have to turn into a track star, because I do not think all of that will fit.


Looking at Savvy wide open, wet and glistening waiting for me has be about to cum already. I take a second to calm down. I kneel in front of her and take my finger and lightly run it from the top of her pussy to her ass. She clenches her ass together when I touch her asshole but before it’s all said and done, I will fucked her everywhere.

I run my finger back to the top and then I open her lips. I flatten my tongue and run it up on either side of her cunt. I could eat her pussy all day. I get to her clit and I keep the pressure of my tongue on her as I slip two fingers inside of her. I suck her clit in my mouth as I curl my fingers inside her. She begins to arch, and I uncurl my fingers and begin to fuck her with my fingers and I chew on her cunt.

She is mewling and shaking her head from side to side on the bed she is clawing at the comforter. She’s almost ready. Just when her legs begin shaking and I feel her tighten around my fingers I change my rhythm again. I feel her fall back to the bed in frustration. I take her legs and put them on my shoulders to lift her up higher, I lean into her leaking core, I stiffen my tongue and begin to fuck her with my tongue, and she lets out a moan.

“Oh my gawd, Joshua.”

I bring my hand up and begin to rub her clit in circles with enough pressure to keep her on the edge but not enough to make her orgasm. I use my other hand to lift her ass higher, she gets the message and lifts her ass higher off the bed, I stop tongue fucking her and run my tongue to her ass. I swirl my tongue around the other hole I plan to have wrapped around me.

“Joshua?” She says unsurely and begins to run. I stop and look up at her. She stops trying to get away from me as soon as she looks me in my eyes.

“There is not an inch of you I will not know Savannah, and nothing is wrong between us. If you truly don’t like what I am doing to you, you’re uncomfortable, or I am hurting you then I will always stop but don’t you dare put limits on us because of how you think I might think of you or other people, understand.”

“Yes Joshua,” she says.

“Good. Now turn on your side.”

When she turns on her side, I put her bottom leg under my arm and around my chest and the other over my shoulder. I begin to rub her clit again and I take the other hand and put three fingers in her and begin to fuck her with them.

“Play with my titties Savannah, rub my nipples. Hmm I like that baby, pinch them. Does that feel good?”

“Yes Joshua.”

“You close baby?”

“Yes,” she moans.

“Good, keep playing with them.”

“Ok,” she says.

I lean back down and begin to fuck her ass with my tongue. At the same time I curl my finger and find that bundle of nerves and begin to rub it while pressing harder on her clit as I rub in circles. It was too much too fast for her body to adjust to and she does exactly what I wanted her to do. She cums... hard.

Not only does she cum … she squirts. Oh, fuck yeah. The scream that leaves her fills my chest with pride. I continue to stroke her through her orgasm, setting off a series of multiples. When I release my new favorite treat, I look up and she has passed out. I take the washcloth I placed on the nightstand earlier and wipe my face, the sheets are soaked.

“Savvy baby,” I say as I lay her on her back and kiss her. “Wake up baby.” A few seconds later her eyes flutter open and I smile down at her. “Hi baby.”

“Hi,” she says bashfully. Still bashful even after I was just eating her ass.

“You ok?”


“You sure?” I ask.

“Yes, I’m good.”

I reach down, pick her up, and pull the comforter off the bed. I lay her down higher on the bed. She begins to get up. “Where are you going?” I ask.

Tags: J. Nell Romance