Page 45 of Jag

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“I’m cold I say half sleep still. He turns on the heated seats and puts what must be one of his shirts on me, it smells just like him. And I go right back to sleep. What feels like minutes later Jag is unlocking my seat belt lifting me out of the car. A few minutes later he is putting me on a bed. He takes my shoes off and tucks me under the cover. I hear a door close. Next thing I know he is shaking me awake.

“Get up baby, he says.

“I don’t want to,” I say.

“You’ve been sleeping for hours, you gotta get up to eat, use the bathroom and shower.”

As soon as he says bathroom my bladder comes online and lets me know it is unhappy. I sit up way too fast and my head and the room spins. Joshua is right there to help me. He walks me to the bathroom and makes sure I’m steady before leaving me to handle my business. I use the bathroom, strip and get in the shower. A few minutes later I get out the shower, wrap a towel around me and walk back into what must be a suite. Jag has food set up on the table a few seconds later. Another door I didn’t notice before opens and in walks Jag with some sweats on hanging low on his hips showing that Adonis belt. The man is just fine. He breaths deep.

“Savvy what do you have on?” He asks.

“Um a towel, Jag. I reply. He just looks at me and sits down. How are you feeling

“A little better.”

“Good. Where are we? I asked “Emporia VA”, he responds.

“How fast were you driving?”

“I wasn’t driving fast, Savannah you've been sleeping since we left, I’ve been driving for nine hours.”

I just blink at him, damn.

We eat from the pulled pork joint I told him about. The sandwich is delicious, and my peach pop is cold and yummy.

“I’m going to have to put in some extra training sessions with my brothers when I get back.” He says.

“Oooo can I train too?”



“Yes Savannah, why do you want to train? To lose weight?”

“What if I said yes?”

“I’d ask why you want to lose weight.”

“What’s wrong with me wanting to lose weight Joshua?”



“Yeah no. I didn’t stutter.”

“Oh, you must have misunderstood, I wasn’t asking for your permission Joshua, I don’t need it if I want to lose weight I will.”

We sit staring at each other across the table not saying anything and not breaking eye contact.

He finally breaks the silence, “I love everything about you Savannah, just how you are right now you know that right.”

“I am not trying to lose weight; I just want to learn some self-defense. I’ve always wanted to take classes I just never did. I am pretty comfortable with my body now, but I’ve accepted who I am, take it or leave it?”

“I’ll take it”, he says. I put your bag in your room. I look over my shoulder at the door I came out of. Then I look at the door he just walked out of, is that your room?


Tags: J. Nell Romance