Page 70 of The Guardian

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It was the most sensible thing coming out of her lips today thus far. “There’ll be no more talk ofdivorce!”

“Not until I’m engaged…” she delivered in a monotonous tone before finally lifting her gaze to me. “Expect to resume this conversation in a month, then.” Another calculating motive took form, one that left a foul taste in mymouth.

“Wyatt,” Ibitout.

Her defiant eyes flashed, unyielding, threatening. “I’m donetalking.”

Ah, Gisele…You’re really becoming such a bloody pain, a true brat inside and out.I wanted to strangle her for toying with me. And again for bombarding me with this new development of her wanton ways. How did she function being such a cold-hearted bitch, manipulating men as though they were nothing but entertainment to momentarily cure herboredom?

“May I remind you that this isn’t what your father wanted? Why are you so adamant in pursuing divorce when you’re free to do whatever you want? I’m not stopping you from anything. I’ve provided you with everything. Do you need more allowance, cars, vacations,what? Bloody tell me so I can fuckingfixit!”

Her face turned scarlet as she stood her ground. “I don’t wantanything.”

“Then tell me how to fix it, Gisele!” She wanted something, or this wouldn’t even be happening. So, whatwasit?

“Divorce me. Annul it. Idon’tcare.”

“Anything—anything butdivorce!”

“Why? I don’t understand why,” she fiercely argued. “If this is about the company, I assure you, I’m quite content you’re running it. I have no plans to go behindyourback.”

Why? Bloody hell. For all sorts of damn reasons! If she wondered what those specifically were, well, I didn’t bloody know. I just fathomed with every fiber in me that I simply despised the very thought of it. “I don’t know why…I just don’t want a divorce. It’s thatsimple.”

She growled, spitting at me. “You’reinsane!”

She could be right. Each time I pictured her walking down the aisle, it made me feel downrightmental.

“Maybe I am.” I loosened my hold, freeing her hands. With the use of my forefinger, I tilted her chin, eager to find a solution. “So, I ask again, how can Ifixthis?”

“I don’t know.” Her brows furrowed, eyeing me as though I had truly lost mymarbles.

Again, she could be on tosomething.

“What have I done to make you this way?” We’ve been at odds, but we’ve never gone past the point of no return. Did she hear from me after she betrayed her promise by choosing Rinaldi over me? No. Instead, I gave her a wide berth, granting her the boyish lover. Therefore, her spiteful defiance was mindboggling.

Her chin rose defiantly. Gray depths sparkled like hard, cold crystals. Steadfast. “As you said, there’s only one way I can achieve it. I’m taking thatroute.”

My patience wore thin. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, woman! Where the bloody hell is your sense!” Evidently, the past weeks had done a number on her. “Is the idea of being married to me so horrendously vile that you’re willing to divorce by marrying Wyatt then divorcing him after you’ve gotten what youwanted?”

“He’s a better choicethanyou!”

Did she truly wish to go down this route? Very well. Whatever suited my bratty wife. I’d indulge in her mindless bloody games. “Yet I know he can’t fuck you the wayIcan!”

“Everything’s not about sex!”Said the woman who willingly stripped naked whenever I was in bedwithher.

“Isn’t it, Gisele?” I taunted. Clearly, my sweet wife had a memory lapse. Perhaps jogging her memory would enlighten her vehement denial. “Where was the talk of divorce when you had my tongue in your cunt, huh? Or that time when my cock ravaged you the way you wanted to be fucked, hm?” Brusquely, my palms planted on either side of her head, caging her in, breathing her in. “This is all about sex, Gisele,” I drawled as I lowered my face to hers, merely a hairsbreadth away from her lips. “If you want me, this isn’t the way to go about it,kitten.”

Every inch of her body was strained with tension. She flushed, redness staining her cheeks. “I don’t want you. I was blinded by the thrill of being with an older man; that’s all. Now I know better. I prefer younger men like Wyatt. His stamina’s mind-blowing…unlikeyours.”

A new wave of wrath viciously surged within me. It seized me whole. It gnawed at me. The raging inferno spread like wildfire, and I was a fraction away from beingunhinged.

Gisele noted the sudden shift in me. She instantly trembled when met with my glacialglare.

My unnerving stare pinned her with hostility. She heaved so badly my gaze inadvertently fell towards her breasts. Hardened pink nipples were visible through her thin cotton shirt. There was no mistaking it. She was aroused even though she feared me. Her mind might disagree, but her body told adifferenttale.

If Wyatt Rinaldi did such a splendid job as her mind-blowing lover, then why was she reacting to me so wantonly? If I dipped my finger into her cunt, I knew it’d be met with soppingwetness.

Gisele…how she sweetly fibbed. Like the rest of her spiel, it was all riddledwithlies.

Tags: Pamela Ann Billionaire Romance