Page 55 of The Guardian

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A guttural beastly sound rumbled in his chest as his hand held me firmly, primed to plunder and pillage until a sudden loud knock occurred, stillingusboth.

“Gi?” Wyatt’s voice came through the door. “Are you ready,beautiful?”

While my eyes veered towards the door, fearing Wyatt might barge in any second, Jared appeared unperturbed. However, his eyes remained glued to my face, scrutinizing every flicker of emotion runningthroughme.

Timidly licking my lips, I nervously cleared my throat before strangling to sound jovially collected. “I need more time. Wait for me downstairs. I should bereadysoon.”

Jared’s cock expanded inside me, inadvertently making me groan inearnest.

“Don’t take additional effort in making yourself look extra hot, or I won’t be able to promise to behave myself tonight,” he chuckled before hollering he’d meet me downstairs once I was primed andready.

There should’ve been a little guilt dismissing Wyatt, but none came. Jared had been silent all this time; however, I didn’t have the courage meet his eyes. Words would cheapen the moment after Wyatt’s intrusion, so I thought it best to simply kiss him again. And when Jared responded in the same desperate, fevered urgency, I became lost in his passion. His tongue plundered into my mouth, fraught with yearning and unbridled need. He felt like a man about to unleash his wrath upon me and mywillingbody.

His mouth locked on me savagely as his hand wrapped around my neck while he tilted my chin to meet his feral tongue lashings, devouring my swollen lips, giving me no room to breathe, think, or feel anything but him. He dominated my senses, usurping every thought, rhyme, and reason, masterfully vanishing them as he commanded me to worship him, to be enslaved only to him and him alone. My world became his to rule. His needs became my law, mypurpose.

Exerting sheer strength, he callously drove his cock into me, impaling the monstrous size into my tightness. The severity of his force as he executed it into my core, surging into my gut, took the air out of my lungs. Fervid lust seized him as he fiercely thrust in and out of my hole, surrendering to baser instincts, mating and breeding like animals. Blinded by the need to possess my body, a sob barely left my lips when he tipped my body, angling it acutely so my upper back was heavily propped against the wall while my nether region was widely exposed for more of his savageexploitation.

“Jared, fuck, slow down!” A shiver ran through me as I gasped for air. The look on him told me he was about to pillage my pussy for all that it wasworth.

He stilled for a second as he gazed down on me. The crazed look in his eyes hadn’t melted away; it had merely became pronounced as he took me in and saw the apprehension in my eyes. “How often does hefuckyou?”

Wyatt? He was asking about Wyatt…orJack?

“You mean, Wyatt?” I fretfully asked. His feral face merely darkened at the mention of my lover. “Ihaven’t…yet.”

An animalistic growl wrenched out of his throat. “Don’t lie to me. The security footage caught his head in between your legs before you led him here to this blasted bedroom! Don’t play me for an idiot. Your cunt easily gives in when horny.” A rough hand captured my chin, and enraged blue eyes pinned me, potent fury lurking in their depths. “How many times have you shared this tight body,Gisele?”

So, the cameras were working, after all. I had thought for a moment they weren’t functioning properly. He had caught on quickly, and based on his reaction, he was beyond pissed. He was perfectly fine continuing his trysts with Rose, but when it came to me and my body, Jared felt inclined to demand answers. He countlessly rejected me, so again, why should itmatter?

I had meant to voice out the question lingering in my mind, too, but the severe expression on his face halted me from spouting it off. “Tonight—I had planned to give him my body tonight…after theparty.”

“How will you achieve that if your cunt is leaking with my nut after I’m done with you?” he viciously spat at me. “Will you not care if he tastes you with my cream dripping out of yourusedcunt?”

Aghast, I was left to wonder why he was being so crude and brutal. Had it not been him proposing such notions before? Had it not been him encouraging me to date other men? At first, I was truly against it, but Wyatt already knew me. There was no need for false pretenses. Wyatt knew I was in love with Jared. So, when he broached the subject of “helping to distract me” with his skilled expertise, it was difficult to turn him down. Desperate as I was to forget about Jared even for a short time, I caved in to what brokenhearted women did to alleviate their ache—another man’stouch.

But seemingly, the man who caused my despair didn’t see it otherwise. “I’m not going to. I won’t go through with itanymore.”

He remained unconvinced. His cock pulsated inside of me before he ruthlessly shoved his hip, making the tip go painfully past the opening of my cervix as he wrathfully gazed down on me like some darkened knight meaning to cause destruction. Nostrils flaring, he gritted his teeth, merciless as ever. “You swore this body belongs to me, yet you freely give it away to any man licking your cunt. Is that the kind of woman you are,sweetwife?”

His dark, unforgiving demeanor made me tremble and aroused me simultaneously. There was no mistaking it; he was jealous. So, he lashed out, punishing me the best way he knew how, the perfect tactic he conquered seamlessly—by letting his cock exact revenge on my body. This was why he came here today. Not because it was my birthday, but this…branding me as his, marking histerritory.

Jared had no need for such measures. “I love no other man but you,” I bravely stated again, hoping my words would get through his stubborn head. “No more guys, I promise. From now on, I’m exclusivelyyours.”

He unabashedly scowled at me. “Oh, how sweetly you lietome.”

Without any warning, Jared lifted my body with my back still leaning against the wall while his cock gave limitless access to my depths. My arms clung onto his neck as I gazed upon my dark knight, ready for him to conquer me. Grip secured on my hips, he thrust roughly, penetrating farther than before, reaching the deepest recesses of my womb. I felt his monstrous girth expanding my insides, my body straining, shifting to accommodate hisdemandingsize.

“You’re a fucking beast. You’re splitting me open,” I wailed, momentum picking up speed, relentlessly punishing me with his manhood as he ceaselessly slammed into my swollenwalls.

“I’m coming inside you,” he harshly grunted out, fucking in and out my pussy as he hammered me intothewall.

Fuck, that was the hottest thing I’d ever heard him saytome.

My reply was lost on me as our lips met, kissing feverishly, effectively muffling our grunts and moans as we came apart together. We clung onto each other as he gradually lowered my body, but his cock stayed lodged, throbbing in mythighs.

Cupping my face, he chastely kissed my forehead, my cheeks, the tip of my nose before brushing a soft one on my swollen lips. “Happy birthday, wife,” he murmured with a smile. “Your gift is on your side table. Open it first thingtomorrow.”

“You didn’t have to get me anything—this…” I made an emphasis by constricting my vaginal muscles, choking his girth as he groaned in pure ecstasy. “This is all I’ve ever wanted. You—justyou…It’s all I’ll ever crave, and it’s all I’lleverneed.”

Tags: Pamela Ann Billionaire Romance