Page 45 of The Guardian

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Bloody.Fucking. Hell. Gisele’s body was probably the finest I’d ever had. She was all natural, unlike the others I’d had before. I had no aversions to women who liked plastic surgery. One got used to it, I supposed. But after exploring Gisele’s body, I doubted I could appreciate the other women like Iusedto.

This woman would be the death of me. Not only was I being pulled apart inside, but it seemed my arrogance had proven me wrong. I had believed I had it all under control, but tonight had shown me otherwise. Her sadness was slowly letting her sink into depression, and I couldn’t stand idly by and let her go into oblivion. How could I when I had vowed to take careofher?

Little did I know that sentiment was going to undermine every single thing I had prided myself to be—my indomitable self-control. Throw me into the gauntlet, bypassing and breaching into foreign countries and institutions without a trace, give me the toughest of projects—not once did I ever fail. They called me Phantom because I couldn’t be traced. I left no trails, no crumbs; one wouldn’t even guess I’d gone through their mainframe. I wasthatgood. Well, up until Gisele came along…then I found myself second-guessing my stance. The absurdity of it all…It was so cliché. Values defeated by a woman…right. I was quite stunned at my actions, so stunned, indeed, that I couldn’t even bring myself to ponder about it due to deep mortification. If people find out the truth, they’d immediately think I was pursuing her because of her wealth and her stake in the company. But it was far from the truth. Any man would fall at her feet. I daresay a blind man wouldn’t be able to resist her bewitching charms, either. Not only could she play like an adorable goof, but she could instantly turn into this stunning bombshell by merely using her eyes. God fucking damn…those eyes. Gray eyes with bright flecks of gold and copper—no mortal man could resist those come-hither eyes, and she used them impressively to bend me toherwill.

And bend me,shedid.

My mouth salivated. My cock twitched. My passions heightened. My sensesspellbound.

Hypnotized, my eyes glowed with rabid hunger at the sight of the gorgeous sated woman sleeping before me. I wanted her so fucking much. I had never felt this much pain consuming my cock. Her beautiful bottom marred pink from my constant spanking. She welcomed it all without complaint. Each smack, her cunt dripped more of herjuices.

Her legs were still splayed apart after she had collapsed face down. Perverted bastard that I was, I couldn’t resist dipping my tongue to her glistening pussy once more. The sweet musk of her sex made me groan in vain. My lips began to trail upwards, worshipping her perfect round bottom, the beautiful arch of her spine and her shoulders. Hovering above her, my body gently half-pressed against hers before my lips foundherneck.

“Gisele?” she was fast asleep, but I was wide-awake and had a throbbing dick tocontendwith.

Pulling my strained cock out, I gripped the base before guiding it towards her parted folds. I let out a guttural hiss when my bulbous tip stroked against her heat. My body became enslaved to the marvelous sensation of our sexes rubbing together. My lips sucked on her earlobe while my left hand gripped her left ass cheek to allow me more access to her sex. My body wound tightly as I frantically thrust my dick into her clit. When my orgasm was seconds away, I swiftly jerked my cock and reluctantly spilled my cream inmyhand.

After washing off in the bathroom, I came back to bed. I pulled her body against me. My lips rested against her neck. Her sweet ass rested against my hip, and my raging hardness sat against her pussy. My release didn’t do much, it seemed. I wanted more, but I knew it’d be unwise. After tonight, I knew my need for Gisele would only worsen. How would Icopethen?

I wouldn’t. Therefore, I had to take all the measures needed to make sure I didn’tstrayfar.

When I woke up at dawn with her pliant body still stuck to mine, I knew then I was walking a very delicate line, and if I ever dared cross it, there’d be noturningback.

Was I ready for the consequences those actionsentailed?

No, I surely wasn’t. But I couldn’t stand seeing her stare into space, either. So, why deny us when I craved to have my tongue dipping into her wet heat? The blinding smile she granted me after I gave her release made me feel quite…gratified.

As a result, I gave myself five days, arguing that once she started school, she’d be too distracted to spare me any time. So, in those five nights, I indulged her in every way I could. The only penetration she had was from my tongue, because had I used my fingers, it would be too difficult to resist not going all the way. Each night, I ached, drowning in my own misery, but I steeled my resolve when my eyes would draw to her cunt each time she passed out. I would reason that there was no harm in gliding it over her warmth, but I knew, even then, my tethered hunger wouldn’t be able to fully stop from sliding it into herentrance.

My control was undoubtedly slipping. Every night, I suffered in bed. The ache, beyondunbearable.

Gisele Weber was a siren threatening to unravel the very fabric of my existence. More importantly, my cock had indubitably fallen under her spell. It was enamored, and it sought more of her company. However, due to mounting reservations, I had never chanced getting her hand anywhere near it. The word temptation was conceived purposely for Gisele. She was the epitome of the word. It was rather endearing that I doubted the woman realized the magnitude of her power. Give her a few more years; she’d use it to her advantage. May God help the rest of the male species. They’d fall at her feet and worship her withoutquestion.

Although I preferred Gisele single, I couldn’t deny her right to date men around her age. She ought to live her life, flourish and blossom through life’s experiences and tribulations. I wasn’t going to be the barrier that would hinder her from becoming the woman she was destined to be, and she’d be an extraordinary one. The man she’d someday love would be one luckybastard.

Stoically, I would be the man watching from the sidelines. Her steadfast guard. Her constant rock. The man to assist in honing her skills so she could someday run the company alongside me. I’d be her mentor like her father was to me, forever her loyal champion in thebackground.

This was the final goal, and I wouldn’t waver from my vows and promises. Therefore, before our bridges were burned, it was wise to end any physical intimacy with her. Besides, she had men fawning all over her already. She didn’t need me, not in that sense. Furthermore, it was rather unflattering competing alongside men who were a few years younger than I was. Gisele would have her admirers, and I’d carry on with Rose until our arrangement had run itscourse.

Rose…I definitely had to see her, or I wouldn’t be able to function at work. Although I knew it wouldn’t ebb the hunger I felt for Gisele, at least it’d take the edge off. She had recently moved into the newly purchased home in Palo Alto. She had been beyond ecstatic when I had presented her with the lavish house. But it had been six days since I’d seen her, partly due to Gisele. No other woman plagued my thoughts but the blonde bombshell, secretly known as my wife. I craved her like no other, but it was high time I placed a halt to this madness. She was fartooyoungforme.

After deciding it was imperative I head to Seattle for a day to configure a top-secret gadget set to be unveiled in a year, I set my plans into motion. As they say, it was now or never. The company jet was set to leave in an hour and a half’s time. So time was of theessence.

I was about to enter my bedroom situated across Gisele’s when I heard someone coming from theoppositehall.


Bloody hell. Shouldn’t she be in school? Why was she home at this time of day? My jaw locked before I turned to acknowledge her. Dressed in her favored house garb of silk robes, she had chosen a peach floral one. It made her look like a delectable dessert to besavored.

Her stunning face lit up at the very sight of me. Rushing towards me, she immediately wrapped her arms around my neck with wild abandon upon reaching where I rigidly stood. As she crushed her luscious breasts against my chest, I could feel her pebbled rosebuds through two layers of clothing. Soft lips kissed my cheek. The tip of her nose pressed against my skin. It lingered, gliding it aroundmyjaw.

“You’re home early,” she faintly purred while I stiffened under her embrace, her warm form enticing mydeprivedbody.

Hell, she was breathtakingly exquisite. My eyes couldn’t get enough of her, and my body responded with alarming depravity. I had viciously lashed out when she had flagrantly displayed her body as she dressed for her date with Wyatt Rinaldi. I could only imagine what that man felt as he gazed at her from across the table. Gisele had the body and the face to provoke any man. She was the perfect package. Add the trappings of wealth, and all sorts of men would come out of the woodwork. She reeked of sex. It was ingrained in her. It was in the way she strut, especially in heels, the way she coquettishly curled her hair behind her ear, gray eyes commanding a raging wood to any men in her line of sight, her toned luscious body and the irresistible coy smile that elicited all brain function to head south. Yes, the beguiling woman was a walking, talking, breathing siren. A full-blown, purring sex kitten, and my senses couldn’t drown her out any longer…not when I was beginning to acknowledge her as mine,mywife.

Tags: Pamela Ann Billionaire Romance