Page 102 of The Guardian

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On one spring evening,right after dinner, Gisele insisted we take a quick stroll towards thegarden.

We had intended to do leisure walks when I came home for dinner, which happened twice a week. Soon, I had to start setting things up so I could work from home. Then I wouldn’t have to hear Gisele’s complaints of abandonment issues. It was all done in jest, of course, but I never wanted her to feel as though I was neveraround.

It had been a month since she had come to be at the Four Seasons. The woman still drove me nuts and bolts mad. We argued then compromised like any other couple. I had to admit our sex life had been intense. The minx matched my zeal in that department. Our hunger had merely heightened after ourreconciliation.

“You know, I still owe you a honeymoon,” I murmured into the night as my arm tightened around hershoulder.

Barefoot, Gisele tiptoed to kiss me on the chin. “Maybe we can go somewhere for our one year…if you’re confident to leave the company for a week or two,thatis.”

We both knew the company came first, and I was grateful she understood the gravity of my responsibility. And I hoped soon, she’d be joining me, working alongside me for years to come. The thought made me grin before I brought us to apause.

Ahead, there was a table with torches on both ends. Frowning, I cocked my head towards the animated woman. “What are you uptonow?”

“It’s a surprise,” she said, pulling my hand. “Come on,oldman!”

Had I not been curious, I’d have spanked her right then and there, security our every waking moment bedamned.

“These are memorial lanterns. I painted Paige’s and Penny’s names on it. Abigail mentioned it’s their death anniversary today…I hope I’m not imposing, but I thought you might want to do something meaningful torememberthem.”

I’m not one for tears, but holy fuck, this woman just gunned for my emotions. “Thank you. I thought of dropping by church to say a prayer, but I couldn’t bring myself to.” Taking hold of her hand, I brought it to my lips. “So, thank you for this amazing gesture. You have no idea how much this meanstome.”

Merely smiling at me, she took hold of a white lantern with Paige’s name in pink before bringing ittome.


May we meetagain.



Holding the riotous emotions seizing me, I tried my damnedest to hold myselftogether.

Gisele then gave me specific instructions as to how to light the lantern. Ensuring I didn’t light myself as I brought it next to the torch, I carefully brought the fuel patch towards the fire. It took a few seconds until flaming up. Grasping the wired end, I took a deep breath before setting it free. “May we meet again,” I murmured as I silently watched it flying in the sky. My heart ached at the thought of my departed wife, but the pain wasn’t as fierce as before. The guilt had ebbed. Falling in love with Gisele had cured mostofit.

She then handed mePenny’s.

To my little angelabove,

May we meet again,Penny.



“I’ll forever miss you, angel,” I chokingly said as I watched it fly above me, hot tears escapingmyeyes.

She had no idea how much she’d done for me, and I was forever grateful for herthoughtfulness.

“We’ll do this every year.” Gisele kissed my hand ever so softly. “You’re not alone anymore, babe. I’m here to share your burden, your pain.” She wrapped her arms around my hips, her cheek against my heart. “I’vegotyou.”

“You’ve got me,kitten.”

As our eyes observed the diminishing lights in the darkened sky, I held her closer, knowing full well I was here, standing with the woman I was destined to be with. This was my fate. I was where I was meant to be. Right here with her, just as itshouldbe.


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