Page 55 of Unapologetic

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Instinctively, I would scratch the bitch’s eyes out until she was knocked out cold. But that would reveal too much, so I would have to play a better part; smile as though everything was fine and dandy.

This whole trip would be the death of me. I could already feel it, what I would have to endure being so close to River and not being able to touch him. I made a choice and now I must stick to that decision.


“I’m going to Kells’ suite. Wanna come with and bug them?” Anton announced as we wheeled our luggage into our own designated bedroom. There were two queen-sized beds, a massive bathroom, and a grand view of the city beyond.

River had already declared that he would be catching the zzz’s for the next few hours and would greatly appreciate if no one pestered him. He was going to host while Phoenix DJ’d tonight, so he needed to restore his energy if he was making a paid appearance at midnight.

Anton snapped his fingers, bringing me out of my reverie. “Earth to Cara?”

“Hmm? Oh, you go on ahead. I don’t think I’ll survive going shopping in this heat. I think Lauren and Mint will be joining them, too.”Where was he getting this unending energy?I enviously wondered.

“Oh, damn. Well, I better head out now then, before I miss out on that,” he rushed out before blowing me kisses. “Love you, sprinkle toes.”

“Love you, too, Care Bear.” I smiled as I watched him disappear.

Sitting at the edge of my queen mattress, the silence in the room was deafening. Blowing out a breath, I was about to get up when I heard a door slam, freezing me in my position. The sound of that door meant one thing. It led me to believe River had left as well.

Everyone seemed to lavish on what Vegas had to offer, while I sat here, wondering what to do next. If I kept still for another second, I was about to scream my frustration out.

Slipping out of my suede black pumps, I lazily strolled toward my luggage and pulled out the powder blue cotton robe, intending to strip and take a much-needed nap, praying my senses would fully restore themselves.

I felt out of sorts ever since that horrid exchange with River, like my chakra was out of balance. Surely there was more to be said apart from those stale words? It should comfort me that River wasn’t pressing the issue further, but the effects were the opposite. His standoffish demeanor harassed my conscience. I was left disconcerted, jumbling the mayhem that already ran havoc with my emotions.

Securing the knot on my robe, I strode toward the bar for something refreshing to drink. After spotting a chilled bottle of Pellegrino, I gulped it down before halting midway when I heard a riotous laughter coming from River’s bedroom.

“What the—”

My body ran hot then cold as my ears peeled to hear any noise coming from his end of the suite. He left, didn’t he?

Slamming the teardrop shaped bottle, my imagination began to run amuck.

My curiosity piqued as I rushed toward his door, halting for a moment before brusquely wrenching it open.

“Hello?” I almost choked on my question when my eyes fell on River, standing tall, naked and proud, with his dick given the sole attention to a woman on her knees, sucking and draining him like a starved vampire in need of her daily sustenance.

The unquestionable woman released his cock with a popping sound before she glanced at me with a contorted look on her face. “I thought you were single!” she accusingly screeched.

River’s unapologetic stare trained on me. “I am,” he responded without remorse in his voice, seeming to challenge me, daring me to say something.

“Uh, I don’t think so.” The Latina woman got to her feet before hauling her purse from the bed. She then threw me a confused look my way before diverting her eyes toward her lover. “Call me once you’ve fixed this. I’m not into breaking domestic scenes.” She hastily exited without a backward glance.

Why, oh, why did I have to snoop? What my eyes saw could never be unseen. It was ingrained in my memory. This was the playboy River I had read in the glossy rags. The one who used to make my blood curdle from outrage and jealousy. This was a complete nightmare.

I tried to break away from his gaze. My mouth hung ajar as I gripped the labels of my robe. I had no business interfering, let alone barging in his bedroom, but fuck it couldn’t be helped.

“Do you need something, Cara?” he asked with impenetrable eyes.

His tone indicated that I was testing his patience, which equally made me angry and nervous. Should I apologize? I couldn’t bring myself to.

“I thought you left …” I began to stammer like a stricken idiot. “When I heard the door … That is … I didn’t want to intrude … I had no idea you had someone here.”

He had acted quickly. It made me wonder if he immediately hopped into another woman’s bed after leaving my place two nights ago?

“I’d appreciate if you don’t act like a total ass toward me when you’re doing the same thing, River.”

His eyes flickered before releasing his breath, and he finally took the initiative to pull his pants up to cover his indecency. “I saw Hailey,” he blurted it, stopping me from functioning altogether.

Tags: Pamela Ann Romance