Page 51 of Unapologetic

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That sounded beyond complicated, but I wasn’t going to pry further. I knew the subject was still raw.

“Memories have a way with a broken heart.” I hoped he would find peace someday.

“I try. I guess that counts for something.”

“So do I.” We were on the same journey. We were brought together with some hope that he and I could mend each other.

“I like talking to you, Cara. I can be myself. I tell you things because I know you won’t judge me.” He smiled, a soft crinkle in his eye when he did so.

“The feeling’s mutual.” He was a gentleman, a genuine kind. Not like Parker, who had fed me empty words and had masked his true self until I began exclusively dating him.

He looked pleased, smiling before glancing toward the beach. “I have this thing on Saturday, a fundraiser in Palm Springs that I already made a commitment to. Was wondering if you wanna be my plus one.”

“It’s not an overnight thing, is it?” I heard myself say, still unsure about what to say next.

Kyle gave me a considering look. “Unless you don’t want to. I meant to drive back after dinner, anyway, but if you find that taxing, then we can stay the night.”

What harm would it be to go out and have fun at the same time?

“I’ll go as long as we drive back. I have a lot of things to do before going to Vegas with my friends for a few days.”

He bestowed that dashing smile of his. “Deal.”

Palm Springs definitely was happening, then. Surprisingly, I found myself eager to go with him. Maybe it would show me a different aspect of the man. He sure had a lot of depths, and I didn’t mind wanting to know each and every one of them. I wasn’t sure where this was going, but what I was sure of was that our friendship was building, and I was grateful for it.

Saturday was a few days away, so I had time to figure out what I would wear for the event. For the time being, I had to get my butt in gear for tomorrow’s class with Anton.

When River called that night, I weighed in if I should disclose what transpired today. It was right after he invited me to visit him for a short trip that I decided telling him would be for the best.

“I went out with Kyle again today.”

There was silence on the other end before I heard him say, “I see.”

“I’ve been upfront with you since the beginning.” I had never failed on that. I made sure to drill it into his skull so I wouldn’t have to deal with this outcome. “Just thought I should let you know, River.”

“You keep saying that nothing’s going to change no matter what. I believe you, Cara. I just hope you’re not doing this to hurt me. Because, if you are, you’re only fooling yourself.”

Aghast from his retort, I was ready to dish it out to him.

“What the hell—”

“Listen, I gotta go. I’ll call you soon.” He sounded crushed, but it didn’t seem to quell the fire within me.

“Sounds good!” I bitingly retorted back, still raging.

“And Cara?”


“I love you.”

Groaning out loud, I ended the call before I said something I would regret. River had a way of releasing this well-kept temper that wanted to come out and play when provoked. Even in the height of my discord with Parker, he could never rouse this much response from me.

Tags: Pamela Ann Romance