Page 47 of Unapologetic

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Chapter Fifteen

It had been a week since Addison gave me a call and announced that I got a small part in the movie I had twice auditioned for. I hadn’t minded that it was an Indie film, all I cared about that I was given the opportunity to act and I will give with everything in me. As long as I could do what I was passionate about, that’s all that mattered.

So here I was, just recently landing in Vancouver before I was whisked off to where the location was set. After being introduced to the assistant that would be helping me, Ginny showed me to the trailer that was assigned for me. Makeup was due in ten minutes so I had that stretch of time to gather my bearings before planting myself to be beautified for the set. Setting my sights on the pasties and refreshments gathered on the table, I was surprised to find a beautiful floral arrangement. My very favorite kind. Plucking the white envelope, I had an inkling to whom it had come from.

I’m so proud of you. Have fun on set.

Love you forever and ever,


A loud sigh passed my lips as I stared at the sight before me. River had been courting me, sending gifts and little mementos to win my heart again. I had confronted him few days ago about what it all meant, but he easily denied it. He insisted that it was his way of loving me.

When he inquired about Kyle and the progress of my relationship with him, I never denied him any information. It was a subtle way of proving that sex didn’t mean we were in exclusivity. Regardless, River remained unmoved.

I had a week of shooting before I was jobless again.Cloverwouldn’t shoot for another month and a half, so I had a lot of time on my hands. For the time being, I lavished on being out on location and doing what I wanted the most in the world—acting.


A week later, three hours after I landed, I had Kells pounding on my door with my dinner in hand. Anton then soon came to catch up with the ins and outs of our lives. Nothing seemed to change on theirs, except of Kells’ thriving relationship with Phoenix. I had never seen her happier. She had that glow about her, the one they pointed out as “the honeymoon” glow.

“Gee, guys, thanks for the food and all but can we resume the reunion tomorrow since I’m crazy tired?” Rest and sleep were quite scarce since my work kept me awake, reading and rereading my lines, making sure I got it right. I had an obsessive personality, one that came out in full-force once I began acting.

Anton chewed on his steak before giving me a considering look. “You can cover those dark circles in a flash, you’re coming out with us tonight. And heck it’s Friday night. It’s illegal to stay home when you’re under twenty-five.”

“Please?” Kells chimed in. “I know you’ve been working hard all week but Phoenix has this thing tonight and I promised to drag you both with me.”

Oh, damn. Sometimes it was hard to resist friends when they became persistent. In a way, I could make this into my advantage.

Giving Anton a pointed look, I beamed at him. “I’ll go if you promise to come with me. I’ve enrolled us for boxing/mixed martial arts classes. We apparently start Monday.”

His eyes buggered out, like the idea of exercising offended him. “You did what?”

I couldn’t help laughing at his ghastly expression.

“Don’t be a baby. I’m sure it’ll be fun. You’re doing it with Cara.” Kells gave him an encouraging look. “How bad can it be?”

“Laugh now, but if I end up in the hospital, you two will be footing my bill.”

We both agreed to his condition before we finished our meal.

I took my time getting ready, and after a long hot shower, I took a half an hour nap. It felt as though I had just shut my eyes closed before my alarm shrill next to my ear.

“The things I do for my friends,” I grumbled as I reluctantly slid off the bed and sleepily stared at my wardrobe. “Coffee. I need caffeine first.”

Leaving my closet ajar, I marched toward my kitchen as my phone rang, flashing River’s name.

“Hi,” I yawned before sliding a mug underneath my Keurig machine. “How’s it going?” Another yawn came out of my lips before I sighed at the sound of a dripping coffee.

“Hello, sleepy head. Did I wake you, babe?”

The sound of his voice soothed me.

“Wish I was sleeping, but I’m making coffee. Have to go out and support my friend.”

“You don’t have to if you’re too tired. I’m sure Phoenix will understand.” Of course River always ensured my wellbeing before anything.

I appreciated his concern, but I had already given my word.

Tags: Pamela Ann Romance