Page 46 of Unapologetic

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Granting me a short reprieve, he wrapped his knuckle around the ends of my dress then forcefully yanked it, bending my yielding body as he ground his dick into my wet canal.

“Grip your pussy around my cock,” he demanded with urgency. “God damn, baby. Yes, just like that. Harder. Choke it. Grip it harder.”

I did as he asked, using what little strength I had to make him come. And just when I thought I couldn’t bear it any longer, he warned me what he was about to do before I felt the thick ropes of his orgasm filling me, his cock throbbing as he made small thrusts, milking his member until he emptied every drop inside of me.

“Did I hurt you?” he huffed out before he slowly pulled out of me then planted a soft kiss on each of my ass cheeks.

A faint smile formed on my lips before I shut my eyes. “No, but if you don’t take me to bed, I might do you some harm.”

He chuckled before granting me my wish, plucking me out of peculiar position and taking me to bed. Sighing with utmost delight, I felt him tread toward the bathroom before he brought me a warm wet towelette and gently cleaned my nether region.

“Thank you,” I murmured as my face dipped onto the pillow.

I felt his lips against my forehead before he whispered, “Don’t ever thank me for taking care of you, baby.” He then slid into bed, gathering me in his arms. my face resting against his chest.

“Can I ask you something?” he murmured over my head as he gently and aimlessly stroked my hair.

“Hmmm?” I garbled, trying to stay awake.

“I heard Kells’ joke around with Anton and how he was ‘technically’ a virgin.”

Even in my state, I had to snicker as I wondered what River might have thought when he had heard it. It was an inside joke.

“Oh, that. Well, he’s not a virgin, per say. He’s had sex with women before, but never with a guy. He’s holding out. I don’t know why. To clear any confusion, he was in denial and didn’t come out until a few years ago.”

“Ah, that explains it.” He laughed before pulling me closer to his body.

“Can I sleep now?” Shutting my eyes, I had never felt so sated in my life. Intense orgasms were the best medicine to put one to sleep, guaranteed.

“Really?” He blew out a breath before grabbing his phone on the side table. “I gotta jet out in six hours, babe. I was hoping to stay up late with you. But never mind me; you go get some beauty rest.”

He was being slightly incredulous. “Gee, thanks, you have yourself to blame for taking all the energy out of me.”

“You’re welcome, my beautiful love. I hope you don’t mind if I take you while you’re sleeping. I intend to do it, anyway, but thought I’d give you a heads-up.”

“What’s the point? It’s not like you haven’t done it before.” He did as he pleased with my body, with or without permission. The moment he took my virginity after a prolonged wait for me to be ready, he had been unstoppable. Therefore, this admission didn’t surprise me at all.

He kissed the top of my head before whispering how much he loved me. “Sleep well, my beautiful Cara.”

I wasn’t his, yet what was the point in arguing? My body was exhausted, and my eyes could barely stay open. Besides, I loved waking up to him taking temporary bliss between my thighs.

And I woke up several times as he raged into my body, taking it harder as he chased his guttural pleasure, fucking me until he screamed my name. Then, right before he left, I recalled him whispering into my ear that he would see me soon and declared how much I owned him and his heart.

Gradually, I began to gain consciousness. The throb in my pussy became more apparent as I reminded myself how this came about. In the midst of reaching for my phone on the side table, I was confused to find a basket. Then my eyes diverted to a note that rested against it.

Morning Sleeping Beauty! Thought you might need some complimentary ‘after good sex kit.’ =) I had Joe run to CVS before picking me up. I’ll call you when I land.

Love you,


“Cocky bastard.” I laughed at his audacity before my eyes caught sight of the largest bottle of Aleve, ice packs, and other items he deemed necessary for me to recover from his tumultuous onslaught. The man had a charming sense of humor. I always loved that about him.

Just as my mind began to drift away, my phone beeped, indicating a message received. It was a message from Kyle.

Thanks for dining with me last night. When can I see you next?

Here lay the conundrum. I couldn’t have both, and as much as I wanted River, Kyle represented a clean slate, a new relationship without the past hanging overhead. A very distinguished difference I had to account for.

Life was short, and I was going to start living it.

Que sera, sera.

Tags: Pamela Ann Romance