Page 42 of Unapologetic

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As excited, as I was to be here, nothing could beat the thought of being back in the cozy, soft confines of my bed.

“Shhh, silence! I kill you.” He glared at me as we trotted toward the tent where everything we needed was located.

I giggled. “Oh, stop it, Achmed ‘the dead terrorist’.” It was the playful banter we always used. “Can I take you to one of those The Art of Shaving places? I’m sure they’d be thrilled to take you on.”

His eyes widened. “I’ve always wondered what it’d be like, so sure. You’re driving me there and taking me to lunch.”

Well, wasn’t he a bossy one.

“Thank God. It’s time to let go of Yogi the Bear.” I was more than willing to dish out whatever needed to get him primed to his old self. I knew he had self-esteem issues since he had gained more than fifty pounds in the past year. Hopefully once I had sorted out my schedule, Anton and I could take some serious butt-kicking classes to get in serious shape.

While Anton busied himself with the blueberry muffins and pain au chocolate, my eyes roved to more pressing matters, such as refueling my body with much needed coffee. Pouring the freshly roasted blend in my Styrofoam cup before adding two packets of raw sugar, I carefully took a sip, loving how it faintly burnt my tongue as it travelled down my throat.

“Grr … What the bull? Why’s my mother calling me this early? Nothing good will come out of this.” Anton groaned as he stared at screen of his phone.

Anton had a peculiar relationship with his mother, but what did I know about mothers? I never got the chance to know what that felt like.

“I’ll meet you back at Kells’ tent.” Waving at him, I made my exit as I cautiously sipped my hot beverage when I unceremoniously tripped over a piece of equipment.

I cried out from pain and shock, about to lose my balance, when I felt a strong hand steady me. How embarrassing and out on set, too. What the hell was going on?

“Are you okay?” a man asked, almost leaning into me.

Still in a daze, I looked up at my savior. Hazel eyes zeroed in on me. Beautiful and quite extraordinary.Oh my, I thought as I tried to catch my breath.

“Yes, I think I’m okay,” I nervously croaked out, disconnecting from his gaze.

“I’m Kyle Mathews.” There was faint amusement in his voice. Most likely because I seemed like a train wreck.

“Cara Quinn.” God, he was so hot. I couldn’t think straight. And why was he staring at me still? What a total disaster.

“Can I get you anything, Cara Quinn?” he asked.

“I … uh … no. I’m hot. No, I’m cool.” WTF? “Sorry, I haven’t caffeinated yet; that’s why I’m such a hot mess.” God, strike me with lightning now before I embarrass myself further.

His smile disarmed me, and I was becoming a total creep who couldn’t properly function with a gorgeous male before me.

His perfect a smile deepened, and by that time my mind turned into mush.

“Are you working on set?”

Trying my damnedest not to act uncomfortably, I licked my lips before shaking my head. “No … I’m just a fan. Well, that and my friend’s in the glam squad.”

He made a boisterous laughter, catching me off guard. “Don’t let the band hear you say that; they’ll never forgive you.”

Who was this man and why had he taken over my ability to think? He was gorgeous, but there was something more to him. He had substance.

“Are you working with crew?” Maybe he was part of the video folks. He surely wasn’t part of band.

“I manage the band. I’m here to check out if things are running smoothly. You know, temper tantrums and hissy fits. Hardcore rock star stuff.”

It was my turn to chortle. The guy had a sense of humor; I had to give him that.

“It’s nice to meet you, Kyle, and thanks for saving me from falling into the gravel.”

“Listen, I know this might seem too forward, but what the hell, I’m taking my chances,” he stated before seeming unsure, licking his lips as he glanced back at me. “Do you want to have dinner sometime?”

“Sure, that’d be nice.”

Less than seventy-two hours of being single, and here I was, agreeing to a date. But how could I say no to Kyle Matthews? He was just the kind of guy I went for. Sexy, rugged, funny, and downright delicious to look at. Which made me more wonder why I dated Parker in the first place. The man didn’t cross some on the list, but maybe it was because I didn’t go out much. Well, it was high time I remedied that problem.

Tags: Pamela Ann Romance