Page 37 of Unapologetic

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Chapter Twelve

I had no dreams; no nightmares to speak of. My body felt sated, floating, unburdened, all my worries gone, a foreign feeling.

Where was I? The question bubbled from my foggy brain as my eyes slowly peeled open. The brightness of the room made my head spin a little. The room was unfamiliar. And why was it so bright? It took a good minute or two before my sight became accustomed to it. Then I realized I was naked in bed with barely any sheet to cover my most intimate parts. I groaned as I rolled onto my side. And then it hit me. Hard.

Last night.


“Damn.” Images of us rutting like some sex-starved idiots flashed before me. I could still feel him throbbing inside my pussy, pushing his way into my body. God the size. How in the world did I survive? “Damn,” I stated again in pure and utter disbelief.

Recalling last night’s events left me wanting. I wasn’t sure how that was possible since I remembered how he had woken me up before leaving to shoot the commercial hours ago.

River had whispered into my ear, apologizing for taking me again and how he couldn’t stop himself. What was most shocking was the fact that I had actually told him he could take as much as he wanted. Hopefully, he didn’t take that invitation too seriously.

Sex had never been better, but for us to continuously do this … Well, I wasn’t sure I was ready to face the ramification that arrangement would entail. It was too much too soon.

What time was it? I groaned in frustration as I tried to get up and felt the immediate sting between my legs. And right on cue, I felt his semen slowly trickle out.

“That’s what you get for being such an uptight horn-ball,” I muttered to myself as I pedaled toward the bathroom to wash and freshen myself up.

Once the tedious task was done, I plucked up the shirt he had lent me last night that lay abandoned on the floor before darting out the door.

The entire place was silent. Did Anton and Kells leave already? Apart from the distant echoes of the traffic below, there was no other sound.

My eyes scoured for my purse. Where had I left it last night? I couldn’t recall. Well, the sex bit I vividly remembered, but apart from that, the recollection was sparse.

I had no phone, no money, and had no means to get home. Now what?

There should be a house phone somewhere. Maybe I could call Anton or Kells to come get me, if they weren’t hungover enough.

I trailed toward the kitchen when I heard the sound of the key unlatching the door. Paralyzed on the spot, my throat bobbed as I peered toward the entrance as it gradually opened and in came River with a dashing smile, donning simple jeans and a white shirt. I had never seen a more gorgeous sight.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched him stride toward me.

“If the guys were here, I wouldn’t be comfortable with you walking around with just my shirt, naked underneath it.” He laughed before placing a few paper bags down on the counter. He then spun around to cup my face and gave me the most sensual kiss, unhurried and thorough. The kind that momentarily erased the past. “I brought some essentials.”

My ears perked up before my sense of smell finally kicked in.Food.

I could smell the divinity of the food. Too much late-night activities had made me beyond ravenous.

“It’s your favorite—waffles and fried chicken.” He winked at me before guiding me toward one of the kitchen stools for me to station my butt. Then he pulled out two large boxes full of hot, yummy goodies. His smile reached his ears before he gestured to feed me. “Time to feed your grumbling tummy.”

“How’d you know it’s grumbling?”

“In all the years I’ve known you, you never said no to food.”

Damn, I was little miss Hoover. “Gee, thanks for that. I was just recently chastised about my eating habit and how I should ‘tame it’ or no agency will hire me.”

“You’re a fucking goddess, Cara. Don’t let anyone fuck with your head like that. That’s pure bullshit.”

He was being too generous. Goddess, I surely wasn’t.

He threw me a confounded look, as if he could read my mind. “Woman, do you look at yourself in the mirror? You were gorgeous when I met you at eleven, but now …” He took a deep breath. “Now you’re just … well, breathtaking and absolutely lethal.”

I coughed, almost spitting out my food. It was endearing, but he was going way overboard with compliments.

“Okay, now we can definitely establish you’re crazy.”

Tags: Pamela Ann Romance