Page 33 of Unapologetic

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Chapter Eleven

The ball dropped. It crashed. Deafening. Piercing.

Call Parker … That suggestion didn’t bode well with me.

“And why would I do that?” Did I miss the memo? Was I his puppet now?

“Guessing by the way you’re looking at me, Cara, it’s probably for the best that you do.”

Smug now, was he? Well, he could think again.

“I’m not going to have sex with you, River,” I said shakily. Just stating that very fact made me shudder from head to foot.

“I know,” he stated. “But as they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

He exuded confidence, and it irritated the living daylights out of me. River could be right, but Parker would know that I hung out with River, and that would definitely enrage him. It was best to settle this now before it blew up in my face.

“Just so we’re clear, I’m not doing this for you.” Taking the phone from his hand, I dialed Parker’s number.

It only took one ring before I heard a loud growl, a clear indicator that the man wasn’t at all pleased. I didn’t blame him.

“Hey, it’s me—”

“Girlfriend of the hour! Good of you to call. You have videos all over Instagram with a bunch of guys and River Ellis exiting a bar. I don’t fucking know what the devil’s going on, butendwhatever it is, or I’m going to fucking leave you, Cara!” he screamed into the phone, making me inwardly flinch.

“Nothing’s going on.”Yet.

He growled again. “I don’t give afuckto be honest. All I know is you’re mine! You’re fucking mine, and I don’t appreciate you spending time with other guys. Shit happens, and I don’t want my authority to be challenged. Do you hear me, Cara? Don’t fucking embarrass me, damn you!”

His authority challenged? What the fuck was he on? This guy was borderline delusional.

“You know what? I’ve dragged this for far too long, and I didn’t want to do this until I saw you next, but I can’t wait. I’m done. It’s over, Parker.”

“It can never be over! It’s not over until I say it is!” He went ballistic, growling as he screamed expletives. Each word made me flinch from his violent rage.

Fuck, this man was beyond nasty. How the hell did I not see it? Seeing how unhinged he was, I didn’t dare trust him not to hurt me. He would probably strangle me or something.

“In case you didn’t hear me properly, let me say it again.It’s over, Parker.”

“How dare you?” he bellowed, clearly beside himself. “How fucking dare you? Do you think you’re that hot? You’re nothing but some z-list actress who’s willing to sleep with River Ellis to get more publicity. Do you know how many chicks are after me? You’re going to fucking regret this, Cara. You can’t get anyone better than me!”

Yeah, I highly doubt that.

“Bye, Parker.” I ended the call, appalled from the whiplash of his madness. I had never encountered anyone like that. Even in the height of anger, I was never that vile and horrid toward River. I understood where he was coming from, I did, but he was being so unreasonable. What the hell!

Still reeling from that entire ordeal, I gripped the phone as I stared at it, wondering why I liked to be in a state of denial just so I could hide from the plain truth.

“That bad, huh?” River spoke behind me.

I had forgotten where I was for a second.

Letting out a melancholy sigh, I winced before spinning around to face River. “That’s putting it mildly.”

River thoughtfully scrutinized my face before brushing a soft stroke along my cheek. “If it’s any consolation, you’re better off without him.”

“Yeah, I knew you’d say some lame shit like that.” It was inevitable that he would jump in and take control of the situation. That was typical River. He did the same thing when he found out my first kiss didn’t turn out to be with him.

“You know me so well.” He chuckled, warming my heart a little when I spotted the once-adored dimple on his cheek before he pulled me close and kissed my forehead. “Let’s get you inside the shower. I don’t want you to catch a cold in your wet clothes.”

Tags: Pamela Ann Romance