Page 21 of Unapologetic

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I should throw the wine in his face. That would spell out a big screw you, fucker.

Turning around to face him, I wanted to stomp on his balls. “Fuck to the yes.”

Parker looked perplexed at my reaction. What had he expected? That I would welcome him with open arms? Ugh. I couldn’t believe he expected sex? After those hurtful comments? Did he expect these glorious thick thighs to open up to entertain him? Ha. He could think again.

“I’m going to leave now, I don’t want this to escalate further,” he said, looking nervous all of a sudden, which was so unlike him. “I’m going to try to see you before I fly out, if you’ll let me.” He took a few steps toward me then halted. “Goodnight, babes.”

His eyes told me that he wanted to kiss me, but had decided against it, leaving with a mere nod from me.

At this point, I wasn’t furious anymore. More like indifferent. I realized that I didn’t want to be stuck in this shell of a relationship. It was a good thing I had discovered the vast differences we had. The question now was: when was the right time to end it with him? I could have done it moments ago, but Parker seemed to have sensed that.

The clarity of what I intend to do next made me feel as though the clouds had been lifted and all the confusion immediately vanished. I was ready for the next chapter, and even though I would be single and back on the dating market, that didn’t mean I would go back to River. No, that certainly wasn’t the plan.


Today was the third day this week I was prepping for an Indie movie audition. Those were the only scripts available, and I didn’t mind that they were Indies since I believed it was a good platform to show off my craft without needing to worry about other things, like a bigger production film could have. Consequently, a lot of actors made it their launching pads to get better movie roles.

So, here I was, ready for that next stepping stone, dressed in all black.

I was on my way out when Kells called to ask if I wanted to meet for lunch later today.

“Sure. Same spot?” I hurriedly muttered as I stepped out of my door before I pulled out my keys to secure it.

“Same spot. Text me when you’re done. I’ll meet you there, yeah? And oh, best of luck to you, Sprinkles.”

She used Anton’s moniker for me. That warmed my heart.

“Will do. Thank you mucho.” I beamed as I strode down the hallway, primed for an hour of a grueling audition. Addison had assured me that they were impressed with my performance inCloveras Janet Samuels, the sister of the main character who also happened to be his confidante, who was also notoriously sharp and did most of the negotiations behind his back to get the essential contracts to secure the deal for their family business empire. She was the backbone of the family amidst the scandals her brother was involved in. Their other destructive sister was bent on sabotaging anything their parents built.

I had no qualms portraying a strong character. In fact, I blossom in them. I was in my element. It’s the greatest feat to feel such profound connection to a character. For a newcomer like myself, it would be a great honor to get this role.

As expected, it took a little over an hour. I was calm and composed, ready to take on the role they had intended me to depict. And suffice it to say, I believed I nailed it nicely.

On my way out, I informed Addison how it all went, and she was confident that we would be getting a call for a second read-through. Afterward, I sent a quick message to Kells, telling her I was on my way.

We met in République on south La Brea, one of our favorite places to lunch. They had an eclectic menu from classic French cuisine to Asian dishes with a French twist. The flavors were bold and savory to the point of nirvana. The execution, undeniably sublime. And yes, we couldn’t get enough.

“I’ve got news. I just got this gig to be the main makeup artist for this huge band.” She was literally jumping up and down as we ordered our dishes at the counter. With her lethal looks, it was quite a reaction coming from her. She resembled Eva Green, smoking hot but could cut a person with a mere look. The combination was potent.

I murmured my thanks while I finished paying the cashier before diverting my attention back to my overjoyed friend. “That’s amazing. Congrats, Kells. What band?” She worked with tons of artists before, but she had never reacted with such zeal.

Walking toward our table, we took our seats before she responded. “It’s The Cold Conflict. They’re British. Do you happen to like them?” Kells reached out for the bread and broke a piece before abundantly buttering it with gusto.

Hell to the yeah. It was no wonder she reacted with such fervor.

“They played at Coachella this year, but I couldn’t make it.” Subtlety was best in such circumstances. Fangirling was a major no-no. One could be doing cartwheels in one’s mind, but on the outer surface, you displayed nonchalance and boredom. It was how the game was played.

“You should come with. I’d love to have you around for moral support. Not to mention, I’m sure you’d have fun just watching how things are on set,” she carried on, devouring the bread. The poor woman was starved for food. Her hours were insanely hectic, so it was no wonder she had skipped a few meals before this one. It was her norm.

“Are you sure I wouldn’t be a nuisance? You’d be busy, and I don’t want to be a bother.” I would love to go since I had never been in one, but I didn’t want to interfere. I could just imagine the chaos behind the scenes for music videos.

Besides, I thought of meeting Will, the front man of the band. It made me tizzy with excitement. I had a serious thing about men who could carry a ballad and who looked sinful with a guitar in their hands. Musicians were the best kinds of lovers. I could attest to that.

“I want you to come, Cara. Anton’s tagging along, too, so you’ve got no choice on this one. You’re coming with,” Kells persisted, shaking her head.

Like I could argue when she used one of her “it’s my way or the highway” voice. I wouldn’t dare.

“Okay, just let me know when, and I’ll be there.” My last audition wrapped up today, and if I didn’t get casted, my schedule would be wide open for the next few months untilCloverbegan shooting the next season.

Tags: Pamela Ann Romance