Page 18 of Unapologetic

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“What’s wrong?” My heart squeezed upon hearing the tone of my own voice. It was loaded with emotions, good and bad.

“Work stuff, and, you know … since I’ve found you again, it hasn’t been easy.” Surprisingly, he was forthright with his response.

“I know. It’s been hellish, to say the least.”

“So, no one’s trying to harm you, right? For a second there, I thought you were in danger. If I overreacted, you know things can get crazy in Hollywood. You never really know what’s up.”

“I’ve figured as much.” Anyone living around here knew it, as I was learning myself. Opting to change the subject, I veered toward what prompted this call. “So, uh, what—”

“What have you been up to? It’s late there, isn’t it?”

Since he was so eager to know, I wondered if he was thinking that I was with Parker.

“I was out with friends.” And right on cue, there was a knock on my door.

Shoot, could that be Parker? Should I end the call and open the door? Damn. This was a sticky situation.

“It’s your boy toy, sweet tits,” Anton teased before pressing the buzzer.

Beyond relieved that it wasn’t Parker, I returned my attention back to the call. “One second, yeah? My friend’s at the door.”

With my phone secured in my left hand, I opened the door to find Anton sporting a silly grin with my shoes decoratively on the sides of his head as his antlers.

“Girl, I don’t know how you walk around without shoes on. It’s a little ghetto, but I won’t hold that against you when plastered,” he greeted with a twinkle in his eye.

Thinking back, yes, I was too drunk to walk with heels on.

“Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.” He then spotted the phone in my hand and raised his brow before snatching it from my grasp in a span of seconds. “We deposited her safe and sound, Parker.” His brow grew higher. “Wait, you’re not Parker … Hmmm, and whom might you be, Mister, with a husky and oh so sexy voice?”

Oh, my God. He was sending me early to my grave!

“Dammit, Anton, give me back my phone!” I glared at him as I tried to take my device back, but he slapped my hand away, incredulous.

Anton then gave me a wicked look like he intended to find out what naughty things I had been hiding from him. “Oh, so you’re an old friend. Uh-huh. Okay, so how friendly are you, eh?” He giggled like River had said something flattering. “You actually sound familiar, but no name comes to mind.”

Shit. Of course Anton was one of millions who were obsessed with TVM. He would go hysterical if he realized he was speaking to his professed sex Viking God.

“Your name’s River.” He wiggled his brows at me while I stared with my mouth agape. “I’m Anton, by the way, in case you were wondering. Cara and I are neighbors, and I’m one of her best friends. Funny that she hasn’t mentioned you …” He was so engrossed in their conversation that he seemed to have forgotten that he hijacked it from me. “I love your name. It’s very earthy.”

Earthy? Like hell.How does he come up with these things?

“Anton!” I grumbled, ready to commit murder. I wouldn’t put it past him to keep asking River personal questions, and God help me if it ever came to that.

“Okay, well, I have to head back since little Miss Ghetto here looks like she wants to flay this fatty perfection alive. I’ll leave you two be, and hope I’ll get to meet you soon, Earthy River.”

Watching Anton’s mischievous face disappear toward the elevator, I immediately shut my door and leaned against it.

“I’m so very sorry. I’m so embarrassed right now. I hope you weren’t offended or anything.” My heart was thumping so loudly I could swear anyone within a mile radius could hear it. It felt as though I died a thousand deaths from mortification.

“Don’t be sorry. It’s always nice to meet the new people in your life. He seems keen on you and sounds like a decent friend.” River sounded like he hadn’t minded the intrusion. In fact, he seemed to have welcomed it.

“You have no idea. That man won’t stop hounding me now, wondering who you are.”

“Are you going to tell him?” He seemed reluctant to ask.

“I don’t know, because the second I do, there’s no taking it back.” It surprised me that I admitted the truth to him. But maybe that was a good thing. River had to understand why I kept him hidden. Divulging my secret would forever link me with him, and that was one of my qualms in trying to keep my past a secret. River had no place in this new chapter of my life.

Tags: Pamela Ann Romance