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“So, did Amelie tell you she has four boyfriends?” Bex announces to the table. Crystal’s mouth makes an O shape and Katie looks indifferent; clearly she already knows, someone has filled her in. Probably Smalls. I wonder how that conversation went down.

‘Bad things’ by Camila Cabello and MGK catches Bex’s attention, taking the focus off me and my four boyfriends.

“Fuck, I love MGK. He is so damn hot. He kinda reminds me of your brother.”

“My brother?” I scoff. “They look nothing alike.”

“I mean, if he dyed his hair and lost the baby fat on his face,” she jokes. Aadi has a square jaw, whereas MGK doesn’t.

“Can we go back to the four boyfriends?” Crystal asks. “Who and how does that work? That blonde hottie is fine as hell and now you’re telling me there are three more?”

“Yep. They’re all sorta adopted brothers. Though two of them are actual brothers. Twins actually,” I reply happily.

“Ohmygod!” Crystal’s eyes are like saucers at my declaration.

“Did you have a twin sandwich yet?” Bex asks. I can’t keep the grin from my face. “Have you done it with all four of them? You know, at the same time?”

“Wouldn’t that be weird?” I counter, frowning. I mean, it’s not like I’ve never thought about it, but only in a passing fantasy kind of way.

“Fuck no!” Bex exclaims. “You have to do it!”

We spend the next few hours dancing, drinking and talking – mainly about my guys – and I run them through everything, minus The Order of the Sneezes. I also try to drop as many hints as I can to Katie about Smalls, but she acts as if she doesn’t know what I’m talking about. I still see the slight blush every time I mention him though. Bex manages to talk about Aadi way more than someone should when they allegedly hate them.

By the time one in the morning rolls around we’re all extremely drunk. When Crystal vomits on the dance floor we decided to call it a night. How she still managed to pick up and leave with a guy after that blows my mind.

Bex, Katie and I walk to the taxi rank. Usually they all line up here but tonight there’s some event happening so the last taxi left already. We debate waiting.

“Walking would be faster,” Katie points out.

“No way,” I slur. ‘If I walk anywhere alone, I’ll be murdered. My brother isn’t exactly a nice guy when it comes to my safety and the guys…” Talking of the guys, I get a brain fart. I have security. Surely they have to be around here somewhere?

“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” I yell in my drunken state.

“Who are you yelling at?” Bex demands. “You’ll attract the crazy people.”

“She is the crazy people!” Katie adds with a giggle.

“I know you’re there! I will strip off naked and walk home. While I make a phone call to Baxter. I’m calling now.” I mention Baxter because if these guys work for The Order, then Baxter is the name to drop.

A tall man slips out of the shadows holding a walkie talkie.

“Don’t come any closer! I know kung fooooooo and I’m not afraid to use it!” Bex cries, holding herself up in some kind of pose that is supposed to be threatening but just looks ridiculous. She kinda reminds me of a female Kalen, only less annoying. I laugh until my stomach hurts, tears streaming down my face.

“Calm down, kung fu panda, he’s my security.”

“You have security?! Why? Are you famous?” Katie shriek-slurs and falls into Bex’s arms.

A car pulls up to the curb beside us and Security One runs around and opens the door. Bex attempts to contort Katie’s body and shove her into the car.

“Holy fuck, this is more work than trying to shove a soft cock into a pussy.”

“Meow,” Katie purrs.

Bex and I cry with laughter as I help her push Katie into the car and buckle her in. With absolutely no help whatsoever from the security guy. I huff. Jasper and Frost would have helped.

“Miss Rossi, we have been instructed to take you home first.”

“Aye aye, Captain!” Bex salutes.

Tags: Crystal North Romance