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Chapter Seven


“I can’t believe you pulled me off her.” I throw my fiercest glare at Aadi.

“Yeah. Seriously not cool, bro,” Kalen chimes in. He doesn’t seem as angry about it as I am. “Girl on girl fighting is hot.”

“Dick.” I throw my bag of frozen peas at him.

“Monster cock, get it right.” Kalen winks.

“Ugh, will you both shut up!” Aadi snaps. “I can’t believe you started a fight at a funeral.”

“Technically it was at the wake—”

“And she certainly put the ‘fun’ back in funeral,” Kalen quips. Aadi glares at him but Smalls snorts.

“Oh, I suppose you think this is funny, do you, big guy?” Aadi snaps, rounding on Smalls. “Two chicks fighting over you?”

“Technically, there were four of us.”


“Well, I caught Slaggy Sarah sneaking around upstairs – probably looking to hook back up with Smalls since Brenton is off the cards – but what I didn’t know was that Crystal had seen her downstairs and followed her too.”

“Okay. That I can understand. Crystal’s a psycho. She’s always down to maim someone. But you said four.”

“Well, that’s where it gets interesting. Another girl also saw and followed. Some chick named Katie. She doesn’t like Sarah either, which makes her good in my books.”

“So all three of you jumped her?”

“No...that implies there was a surprise attack. I confronted slutface Sarah and told her she had it coming. I was pretty up front about it.” I shrug because I truly feel no shame about the whole thing. My only regret was that Aadi broke the whole thing up before I could do any real damage. I got a few good hits in though, busted her nose, and I’m pretty sure Crystal stabbed her a little bit. Katie was a bit savage with the hair pulling but hey, whatever floats her boat.

Aadi kicked Sarah out straight after. Didn’t even give her a tissue to stem the bleeding. He may be giving me hell now, but he showed total solidarity to me in front of the fuckface.

Smalls and Kalen are pissing themselves now, high fiving and passing out more beers.

“Lighten up, bro. It was a fun show.”

“Stop calling me that! I’m not your damn brother!” Aadi’s temple vein is large and throbbing; a sure sign he’s going to seriously lose his shit.

“Well, technically you kind of are. Or will be. Our parents are going to marry. And if they don’t, I’m going to marry Amelie. I’ll marry her anyway, even if she’s my sister. Incest is best, right! So you’re kinda stuck with me.”

“Does he ever shut up?” Aadi groans.

“No. Just roll with it and life’ll be easier,” I promise.

“I hate you all.” Kalen pouts.


“Except Smalls. He’s cool. Even if he has a tiny dick.”

“Erm, what?” I blink in shock at Kalen. He is so barking up the wrong tree there. Although...I guess next to his, even above average might seem small.

“You must have, right? Why else would they call you Smalls?” Kalen asks, turning to raise a brow at him.

“Have you seen the size of me?” Small returns with a smirk.

Tags: Crystal North Romance