Page 16 of The Girl Next Door

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Addy’s face is pained and pale as she looks down at all the blood on her arm. "Alec…" She trembles, and I'm quick to soothe her.

I run a hand over her hair, noting vaguely how it's even softer than I imagined. "Ssh, it's okay. I'm here, baby. You're going to be just fine."

My chest tightens as I take in her tiny form sprawled out on the floor like a wounded bird. She took a bullet for me. She was willing to sacrifice her life to save mine. "Why did you do that, sweetheart?" My voice is hoarse with emotion. "You sweet, brave, stupid girl."

She doesn't hear me. Her eyelids flutter, and she passes out.

I gather her into my arms and cradle her to my chest. God knows how long I've yearned to have her in my embrace, but not like this. God, not like this.

My eyes dart across the scene of arrests being made to find my contact. "We need a doctor," I bark at him.

"Already got one on the way," he answers me solemnly, his mouth thinning into a grim line when he sees Addy in my arms.

"Jesus," he shakes his head. "How could a man do this to his own daughter?"

I don't answer. I just hug Addy closer to me protectively, silently vowing that Jameson will never get the chance to hurt her again.

* * *


The last thing I remember was Alec's gorgeous face and worried eyes looming over me, telling me that I was going to be okay.

When I awaken, it's Alec's face that I see again, although it's distorted and blurry. I blink, slowly, willing my eyes to come into focus.

I practically melt when his green eyes gaze into mine with relief.

I remember the gunshot and jumping in front of Alec. Oh, my god, my dad tried to kill Alec. But Alec saved me. He saved me from that creepy old man's touch. I can still remember the shudder that ran through me when I felt his hand on my back through my dress, the unsettling way he looked at me, the way my father pushed me toward him even though he could tell I didn't want to go.

I can still feel the sting in my arm, though it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did when the bullet hit me.

"Hey, baby," Alec croons, pulling me back to the present as he hovers over me, smoothing his hand over my hair.

I turn my face into his touch like an animal starved for affection, and I suppose I am. I can't remember the last time I was touched with such affection—if I ever even have.

I don't know where I'm at, but I don't care. I'm lying on a soft mattress, and I don't even take the time to look around the room. All I can do is stare into the green eyes that have captivated me since the moment I saw them through my window.

He leans down and places a kiss on both of my cheeks before he oh-so-gently presses his lips against mine. I instantly melt as a deep, soul-searing pleasure rockets throughout my entire body.

I kiss him back, pressing my lips firmly against his. I've never kissed anyone before, but Alec's lips on mine are beyond perfect for my first kiss. I don’t know what I'm doing. All I know is what little I've read from romance novels. I want to taste him, so I act on instinct, opening my mouth and running my tongue along his lips. They're velvety soft, and a moan rises from within me.

Alec groans in response, his arms going around my back to hold me against his chest as he suddenly takes charge, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

And oh, my god, the sensation of his tongue rubbing against mine makes my entire body feel weak. I'm like putty in his hands, melting into him as heat flares through me.

Alec alternates between dancing his tongue with mine and sucking on my bottom lip before he finally pulls back enough for us to catch our breath.

His eyes are hooded as I look up at him in awe. His breath fans over my lips, and all I want is more. More of him.

I boldly press my lips against his again, seeking more of his attention.

He kisses me before pulling away again with a groan, his expression tortured. "Addy, you just got shot. You need to rest, sweetheart."

But rest is the last thing on my mind. I'm finally with Alec. I'm finally out of my gilded cage, and I want to fly.

I shake my head stubbornly and bite my lip, nervous about being rejected. "All I need is you, Alec."

He stares at me intensely for a moment, looking uncertain, before he finally seems to come to a decision.

"Fuck," he mutters before he smashes his lips against mine and kisses me savagely.

I bask in his kisses, my soul budding open, his for the taking.

I want nothing more than to stay in this man's arms forever.

I'm completely and irrevocably his.

Tags: Emma Bray Romance