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It took every ounce of willpower I had not to take Katie home with me last night and keep her with me.

But she has a reputation to uphold, and I don’t want to be the one to ruin it. I know how ruthless people can be in this business and how much one's reputation means in it. As unfair as it is, I know it's more damaging to a female's reputation to be seen as sexually promiscuous than it is a man's. I'm patted on the back for being a supposed player, no matter how untrue the rumors might be.

Katie is known for her wholesome image. The tabloids would have a field day with a good girl like her supposedly going bad.

So, I'm going to do everything within my power to ensure that doesn't happen.

First thing this morning I'm going to announce to the world that she's my girlfriend.

Then, I can take her home with me. I can keep her. I can be with her all the time.

I can't wait to make her publicly mine. Last night without her was torture. Now that I've been inside her, it's the only place I want to be. I don't just want her sleeping next to me, in my arms.

I need her. I need her like I've never needed another human being on this planet. She makes everything matter again.

I intend on being early to set again, but I get caught up in traffic. Somehow I stroll onto set just in the nick of time.

My heart is already beating faster at the glimpse I get of my woman. Yes, she's my woman, and the world is going to know it today.

My smile falters when she turns to look at me with a crestfallen look on her face.

"Katie?" I ask her cautiously. "What's wrong, baby?"

Other cast members and crew members move away from us, giving us a respectful distance, but I can feel their eyes peeking over at us to watch everything.

Fuck them.

All that matters to me in this moment is my Katie. My sweet girl.

"How could you?" she asks me, her voice breaking with betrayal before she tosses a paper at me and turns off, fleeing the studio.

I'm so stunned all I can do is stare after her as I clutch the paper to my chest. When I finally get my wits back about me enough that I can move, I look down at the paper in my hand.

Hollywood Bad Boy Back at It Again. His Latest Conquest? America's Sweetheart, Katie Edwards.Way to Go, Robison!

My eyes skim incredulously over the article, taking in the trash within. Speculating on how I seduced her, how long it took me, and more of the usual nonsense.

Rage like I've never known fills me. A harsh crinkle sounds out in the totally silent set as I ball the paper up in my fist and fling it away from me with a roar.

I'm feeling murderous. If I could get my hands on the reporter who wrote this trash, their life would be in jeopardy right now. Not over me. I could care less what they print about me.

But the fact that they've hurt Katie. Tarnished her good name. It's unacceptable.

I feel a stab of deep pain at the next thought. Turned her away from me.

I can't fucking breathe. I've got to get out of here. Find her. Tell her this is all a mistake.

Someone must have seen us. Or maybe it was that kiss on set that got some of the other cast members gossiping. One of the tabloid reporters got wind of it, and that's all it took to set the flames in motion. No stopping the wildfire once one of those bloodhounds get the scent.

It doesn't matter how it happened or who started the rumor. All that matters is that it's out there now, and no matter if I try to say she's my girlfriend now, they'll paint it as her just trying to save face.

How could she think I would do something like this to her? How could she think that after yesterday when I bared my fucking soul to her? After what we shared?

My hands are shaking as I go after her. She's already vacated the building, and I see her in her private car being driven away.

Tags: Emma Bray Romance