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“Please,” she begs.

“Greedy girl.” I pull back before slamming into her, my hands squeezing her hips for leverage. Thrusting into her, I feel wild and untamed. She’s a goddess who has taken full control of my life. I’ll never want it to be any other way.

“Fuck, I’m so close. Your body is so goddamn perfect,” I grate out.

“Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

I thrust harder as Sara’s walls tighten around me. I can’t hold on any longer, her orgasm pulling me with it so hard my vision swims. Groaning through each pulse of my cock, I thrust until my entire body feels spent.

Sara’s knees give out, dropping her hips to the mattress, her body loose and languid. We’re both breathing hard as we come down from the high.

I run my nose up the back of her neck and across her jaw until I finally make my way to Sara’s mouth. I place a gentle kiss against her lips as they quirk up at the side.

Her hazel eyes flick open, shining with warmth and drawing me deeper into her orbit than I ever thought was possible. “I think I’m good with any type of punishment you want to give me from now on.” She grins.

A laugh bursts from me, followed by a feeling so strong I almost blurt it out. I bite my tongue from saying the words I desperately want to say. Instead, I undo the belt around her wrists, the words sitting on the tip of my tongue. I’m just not sure if she’s ready to hear them.

I rub her wrists, massaging any tension from her muscles and making sure I didn’t hurt her at any point.

I thought I had this kind of love before. Turns out, I had nothing at all. Nothing like what I feel for Sara.

I just have to find the right time to tell her.



God, I’ve missed her.

It’s been too long since I’ve gotten to see her this close. Too long I’ve had to stay away from her. I didn’t want to, but it was necessary if the rest of the plan is to go perfectly.

And it seems, in my absence, she’s only gotten closer to the animal man. Why has she pushed me away like this? Is she mad at me? Did I do something to make her turn to someone else?

I’ll just have to remind her that I’m still here. That I love her, and no matter what she does, she’s always going to be mine. Nobody else’s.

The black dog stands on the edge of the front lawn, staring at me. No one else can see me; I’m too hidden. But he can. He’s always seen me when I’m watching his mom. He’s a good dog. Takes care of her when I can’t. He doesn’t like me, so even though it’ll make Sara sad, he’ll have to go when it’s time for her to come home.

Sara gets into the car with the dogs and the animal man—one big, happy family. It’s wrong. It should be me with her. Not him.

Without much thought, I head to the backyard, opening the gate and making my way to the back door.

I know I shouldn’t. It could mess everything up, but I’ve gone too long without her. I need to feel close to her again.

Like I’ve done before, I pick the back door lock and step inside Sara’s kitchen. If only we could stay in this house together. It would be perfect for the two of us. It’s not part of the plan, though, so she’ll have to live at my house with me.

I walk into Sara’s bedroom, her clothes strewn haphazardly across the floor. We’ll have to work on her messiness. I finger the sports bra sitting on her dresser, the material silky in my hands. The image of Sara taking it off at the end of a long day filters into my head. The top drawer houses all of Sara’s underwear, and I let my hands roam across each silky, soft piece. What does she look like in these?

One day, I will find out. Until then, I need to let her know I’m back. That I’ve missed her, and she doesn’t need to be with the animal man anymore.

I’m the one who will take care of her.




Turning to look in the back seat, I find three dogs sacked out on top of each other. They played hard at the dog park today, having a ton of fun, wrestling and playing fetch. Luna is even getting braver with having both Koda and Sadie watching her back. It made my heart full to watch her come out of her shell a little more.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance