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“Ready?” I ask, giving our pups some love. Sadie spends most of her time here since Ben and I are together most evenings. She’s blended into our pack seamlessly, and I love her like my own now.

After Ben says bye to the pups, too, we take his car to Natalie and Tucker’s. This is the first time I’m bringing someone with me to hang out with my friends. It’s a little weird, but it also feels like he’s always been around. Most everyone already knows Ben, which has eased any lingering worry about how introductions would go. I’m pretty sure Ben is more excited than I am about hanging out with everyone. He’s been talking nonstop about getting to hang out with people his own age instead of with his mom’s friends.

Tonight, we’re celebrating Noah, but we’re also celebrating that Levi and Hope are still with us. This is the first time we’re all getting together since Hope’s ex attacked both her and Levi. They’re on the mend now, but they’ve still got a way to go before they’ll be back to normal.

Ben pulls onto Nat’s street, finding a spot behind Cooper’s truck. The noise level coming from the house makes me laugh. We’ve never been subtle, and I love that about our group.

I walk through the front door with Ben’s hand gently wrapped around mine. As usual, the girls are all huddled on the couches and chairs while the guys stand by the dining room table.

“Hey, everyone!” I shout above the noise. It only gets louder as they come to say hello. Ben is re-introduced to everyone, and he laughs as the guys shove a beer in his hand and pull him into their circle.

“He looks even better without the broody cloud over his head,” Natalie whisper-yells, making the girls laugh. Shaking my head at her, I squeeze onto the couch between Nat and Quinn. Megan and Lucy are on the loveseat, and Hope is in the recliner, a small smile curled at her lips. It’s good to see her up and about after everything. She still has to wear a back brace, and her dislocated shoulder hasn’t quite healed yet, but she seems to be in good spirits.

“Anyone else notice the orgasm glow surrounding Sara, or is it just me?” Nat teases.

I lightly punch her in the arm as she cackles. “I’m sorry. It’s just so good to see you happy.”

“I was happy before.”

“You were content. Which was good, but this happiness is different.” Quinn’s smile is soft, and I know she’s thinking about Cooper. I look around at my best friends to find their smiles are all the same. Each one knows the difference between being content by yourself and being happy with a partner who brings more to your life than anyone else ever could.

Ben has always been different from any other guy I’ve dated before. I noticed it the first time he let his shields drop when we organized the closet at the clinic. But seeing myself in the eyes of my friends, I understand the impact he’s made on my life. He’s become the steady presence I can rely on when it feels like my world is spinning too fast. All I need is one look from him to know that, no matter what’s going on around me, he will be there, standing by my side.

I never realized how comforting that knowledge would be. Glancing across the room, I find Ben grinning at something Levi is saying. He looks happy with them. More relaxed than I’ve seen him in a while. After the shitshow with Rebecca, I’m glad he’s not still stuck in his anger. Although, I thoroughly enjoyed him using my body to release his built-up tension.

As if he knows I’m thinking about him, Ben’s gaze finds mine across the room. His blue eyes flash with unrestrained lust, and I have to fight the shiver trying to move through me.

“Whew, I can feel that tension all the way over here.” Lucy’s voice makes me tune back into the conversation. The girls are grinning at me, and a blush spreads through my cheeks. I’m not used to being the center of attention, so this whole situation is weird.

“Can I just say how happy it makes me not to be in the hot seat anymore?” Hope asks, making everyone laugh. I smile at her in thanks for turning the conversation away from me. I love how much she’s opened up to us over the past few months.

“Oh, no. You still have dirty details to share, missy.” Natalie wags her finger at her.

“Hold your ground, Hope. As soon as you give an inch, Nat will take a mile,” Quinn teases. She’d know all about it, too. When she started dating Cooper, Nat was relentless about getting all the dirty details about their sex life. It was mostly to get Quinn to drop her walls with us, but we also were super curious. The guys are like brothers to us, so we had no idea if they lived up to the rumors of their sexual prowess.

“Please, you were dying to share; you just needed a little push.” Nat grins at Quinn.

“Mommy, can you get me some more water?” Noah asks, walking up to Natalie. Her body completely melts when he calls hermommy, and it hits me square in the chest. I didn’t know he’d already started calling her that, and it makes me so happy for her.

“Sure, love.” She stands, leading Noah into the kitchen while the rest of us watch the two of them together.

It’s weird to think our group dynamics are going to start changing. Everyone is paired up now, and kids are around the corner. Lucy’s pregnant, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Quinn and Cooper are trying. Megan and Todd are fostering Nathaniel now and are hoping to adopt him one day.

Our lives are moving forward, growing and changing in beautiful ways, and I’m so grateful to have friendships strong enough to withstand those changes. Our time spent together looks a lot different than it used to, but our deep-rooted connections only seem to grow when we are together.

It’s a beautiful thing to be a part of.



The noise level in Natalie and Tucker’s house is ear-splitting, with everyone talking over each other, laughing, drinking, and carrying on. It’s fantastic. I’ve never been around a group of people who can go from ragging on each other one minute to being completely vulnerable the next. These people love hard, and with every interaction, I want nothing more than to be a part of their group.

I’ve never seen friends care more for each other than Sara’s friends do, and I’ve only spent a couple of hours with them.

“I’m telling you, it’s going to happen. We’re taking home the trophy this year,” Cooper says while Todd nods. The two of them run the town’s police department and are currently in a battle with Tucker, the captain of the fire department, about who is or isn’t going to win the co-ed softball league’s trophy.

“There’s no way. Charlie is on our team this year, and she kicks ass.” Tucker shakes his head.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance