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“The café is ready to provide an assortment of baked goods—cookies, mini cupcakes, that sort of stuff.”

Ben checks a few more things off his list before looking up at me. “This is coming together nicely. Thank you for all your hard work.”

I grin at Ben. Before we got together, I highly doubt he would have even acknowledged the amount of work I did. Not because he wasn’t thankful, but because he wouldn’t have noticed. “No biggie. This is a great thing you’re doing, Ben. I know a lot of people in town will benefit from it.”

A small, self-conscious smile pulls at the corner of his lips. God, he could not be any cuter. I lean over his desk to give him a swift kiss. As soon as his lips meet mine, my body calms while simultaneously tightening in anticipation of what’s to come. It seems being at work does nothing to tamp down my libido.

Ben groans against my mouth, my short peck turning into more as if we’re teenagers unable to help ourselves. This is what he does to me—what he’s done since he first stepped into the clinic.

I pull back despite Ben’s fist in my hair. “Just because the door is shut does not mean we should be getting busy in your office. Save that for when the clinic is closed.”

“But it sure would be fun to see how quiet you can be.” Ben’s grin is filthy, and I have to glare at him to hide how much I truly want to find out the answer.

Standing straight, I leave him with a final thought. “How about tonight you see how loud you canmakeme scream instead?”

Ben’s jaw drops as I leave his office, giving me almost as much satisfaction as his dick does.

Walking out to the front, I check in with Susan to see if any of our appointments have changed and catch her up on the plan for the fundraiser. She’s helping to organize everything, but I think she’s secretly impressed with Ben’s ability to plan. She’s also been letting him do things that Dr. Charles was never allowed to do because nobody trusted him to keep the details straight. The man was brilliant with an animal, but he could not keep this clinic organized to save his life.

The front door chimes preceding the entry of someone I don’t think I’d ever expect to walk into our clinic. Although, that’s probably judgmental and unfair. She has sleek black hair, flawless makeup, a designer dress, and kick-ass heels. She’s the embodiment of class. Someone I would expect to see in a magazine.

“Can I help you?” Susan asks, her normally haughty tone even icier than usual. I glance at her, wondering why she’s being so standoffish with the woman.

Runway Barbie lifts her sunglasses to the top of her head, a cold indifference in her expression. “I need to speak with Benjamin. Where’s his office?”

I no longer want to be this woman’s friend. Or want to know where she got her shoes. Based on my limited knowledge, I’d wager this is Rebecca, and it takes every ounce of control I have not to scowl at her.

“I’ll see if he’s available,” I reply, my tone neutral. She takes me in, assessing everything about me, and within seconds, dismisses me entirely with a nod.


I head back to Ben’s office, finding him staring at his computer screen with a frown. “You have a visitor waiting in the lobby.”

Ben’s eyes meet mine, his frown deepening. “Who is it?”

“We weren’t formally introduced, but I believe it’s Rebecca.”

His eyebrows wing up in surprise, as well as something else I can’t read. He stands, throwing his glasses onto his desk before walking out of his office. I follow closely behind him, not entirely sure what’s about to happen.

“Rebecca. What are you doing here?” Ben asks, his tone indifferent.

“I need to speak with you. Can we go to your office? I’d prefer not to have an audience.” Rebecca’s eyes roam around the room, and I finally notice Susan and Michelle are sitting at the desk, pretending to be busy working.

“Sure.” Ben opens the pass-through door, gesturing for Rebecca to come back. I stand next to Susan and Michelle, slightly dumbfounded that he would be so calm around her. After everything she did, I can’t imagine he’d want to have a conversation with her, let alone be in the same room with her for any amount of time.

When his office door closes behind them, all I can do is stare at it. What’s going on? Did she come all this way to try and get back together with him? Will he say yes? What does that mean for me?

Whatever. I don’t have time to analyze the potential end of my relationship right now.

“Was she an actual bitch, or am I being judgy?” Michelle asks after a beat of silence.

“I don’t think you’re too off base,” I respond, turning to find Michelle and Susan staring at me. Susan’s eyebrow is raised as if to say, ‘Are you going to do anything about that?’, while Michelle is looking at me as if she finds this whole situation entertaining. From her perspective, it probably is.

After our date, there was no more hiding what was going on between us. The whole town started gossiping the minute we walked into La Mensa together. We weren’t trying to hide anything; we just wanted to make sure this was what we wanted before letting the whole world know.

They definitely know now.

The front door chimes again for an actual patient this time, and Michelle and I get back to work. About an hour after she arrived, Rebecca leaves without a single word to anyone, her face impassive, giving no indication of what was said. Instead of sprinting into Ben’s office to interrogate him, I continue doing my job.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance