Page 55 of Guarding Her Love

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The future I see for myself is not one with a bunch of numbers in my bank account but one filled with joy and laughter, love and respect, and maybe even little feet padding down the hallway chasing dog paws. That is what I want for my life, and a man with golden eyes has already shown me I’m worthy of it.

Taking a deep, fortifying breath, I grab my strappy sandals and head downstairs to wait on Cooper to pick me up. Looking around my home, I know that out of all the decisions I’ve made in my life, the decision to move to Sonoma was, by far, the best one. Not only because of Cooper, although he’s the best thing to happen to me, but because I finally feel like myself and not some manufactured version of me that only makes other people happy.

If I can remember that when I get to the Jacksons’ house, I think I’ll be okay.

I see Cooper’s truck pull into the driveway from the living room window, so I grab my purse and head out the front door. Once I’m outside, I lock up and turn to walk towards the driveway. I stop in my tracks as I watch Cooper get out and come towards me. Even in jeans and a t-shirt, he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. His long legs eat up the distance between us, and I’m quickly swept up into his arms, his lips meeting mine.

The ball of anxiety that was wound so tightly a moment ago, relaxes and settles as his lips devour mine. It’s a reminder that I’m his and he’s mine, no matter where we go, what we do, or who we see.

He slowly pulls back from the kiss. “Hi, handsome.”

“Hi. I missed you today, and you looked so beautiful standing here on your porch, I couldn’t resist,” he says, smiling down at me, making me smile back. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes, I am,” I say with a deep breath. I can feel the ball tighten back up a little as we walk towards Cooper’s truck. He opens the passenger door but stops me before I get in.

“You have nothing to worry about tonight. They’re going to love you because I love you. There’s nothing you have to do or say because they already know you’re special. Just be the girl I fell in love with, and it will all be okay.”

I feel my shoulders drop, and the fear I’ve been carrying all day melts away. With just a few words, this amazing man has assuaged every worry I’ve had, and I don’t think I could love him any more than I do right now.

“I love you.” With my hand on his face, I kiss him quickly and turn to get into the truck with a smile on my face.

* * *

We pullup in front of a beautiful farmhouse that’s a few minutes outside of town. The lights shine brightly from the windows almost saying,please come in, there’s food on the table and love aplenty.

“It’s so pretty out here. This is where you grew up?” I ask Cooper as he parks the truck.

“Yeah, we moved into this house after Levi was born and have been here ever since. Not much has changed but for a few modern updates throughout the years.”

I feel a little stab of jealousy towards Cooper right now, looking at the house he grew up in. He got to have all of the things I longed for right here in this house. I know it’s ridiculous because he can’t change how I grew up, but there are moments where I feel this envy towards people who had childhoods like I wanted.

Shaking my head to clear my silly thoughts, I jump out of the truck, unable to wait for Cooper to come around. He meets me on my side and grabs my hand to lead me up the sidewalk and to the front door. Instead of knocking, Cooper walks right in through the red front door.

The mouthwatering smell of food hits me as we step inside. We walk down the short hallway that has a staircase on the right and a wide entryway on the left leading to a comfortable living room that’s open to a dining room.

“Anyone home?” Cooper yells out.

“In the kitchen,” Cooper’s mom, I’m assuming, yells back.

We walk towards the dining room and around the corner into a beautiful modern kitchen. A huge island with grey countertops and white cabinets dominates the room. Alice stands at the stove, stirring something in a massive pot as we walk closer.

“Hi, Mom,” Cooper says.

Alice turns to look over her shoulder with a smile on her face. She grabs the dish towel next to her and wipes off her hands. “Hi there. I’m so glad you made it!” She hugs Cooper quickly and turns to me.

“Mom, as you already know, this is Quinn. Quinn, this is my mom, Alice.”

“It’s nice to meet you again without someone pushing you out the door,” Alice says with a mock glare to her son, making me laugh. I reach my hand out, “It’s nice to meet you again too, Mrs. Jackson.” Instead of taking my hand, she comes in and hugs me tight, which makes me feel both cared for and super uncomfortable. “Please call me Alice. I was so mad at him for not letting me get to know you at the store,” she says as she leans back from the hug.

“If it makes you feel any better, I teased him mercilessly about it,” I tell her, making her laugh.

“I knew I’d like you.”

“I’m standing right here you know,” Cooper says.

“We know,” Alice and I say at the same time, which only makes us giggle harder.

“You guys are mean. Let’s go find Dad.” He huffs but sends me a wink before grabbing my hand and walking us toward a door that must lead outside. I smile and wave at Alice as we step onto a large deck. Trees surround the entire back of the house, creating a natural privacy screen around the backyard. Cicadas sing their summer songs and a gentle breeze blows through the leaves.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance