Page 85 of Fall Back Into Love

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“What on earth does that mean?”

“He… had a strange sense of humor.”

“I’ll say. You’re better off without him, in my opinion. Nobody deserves to be treated like that by someone they thought they could trust. I remember, my brother’s friend, James—” She cuts herself off. Shakes her head with a grimace. This must be the guy she had a feud with, but I don’t feel I know her well enough yet to ask more about it. “Doesn’t matter. Where can I find this guy? I’ll give him a piece of my mind.”

“He doesn’t live in Mirror Valley anymore. But really, it’s fine. We’d been growing apart for a long while, and we both saw it coming. We weren’t meant to be.”

“I get it, but even so, breakups are the worst…” Ivy pauses. “I assume. I haven’t actually dated all that much since starting to work here. The Brookrose keeps me busy.” She smiles, though it doesn’t reach her eyes. “Anyway, given that Mr. Ex lives far away now and I can’t be angry with him, we’ll have to find another way to get you over it.”

I smirk. As I said, the breakup was pretty amicable, but Ivy seems excited, so I decide to humor her. “Like what?”

“The stuff you see in movies or books. Like… having a night out with your girlfriends.”

“I’m more the type who sits at home with a book and a mug of hot cocoa.”

Ivy nods. “You could burn stuff?”

“Sorry, what?” I blink, sure that my new coworker didn’t just suggest arson.

“You know, burn stuff that reminds you of him. A boyfriend bonfire kinda thing.”

Ivy has this wild, eager look in her eyes that makes me laugh. “I’m not sure that setting fires is the answer here.”

“Well, the last option is my favorite anyway.”

“What’s the last option?”

Ivy leans in, drops her voice. “An adventure!”

I let out a laugh. “Now? I’m only just starting this job.”

Ivy waves a hand. “If it’s for love or to heal a broken heart, an adventure is mandated. And if it involves travel, all the better. Think of the places you could go. Maybe even… England!” Ivy practically swoons.

I can’t help but smile. As eager as she seems to be about my apparent soon-to-be departure, I’m not sure any sort of adventure is on the cards for me at the moment.

Luckily, Ivy seems ready to drop the subject and we get into training. She gives me a rundown of the operations at the Inn and the role I’ll be filling at reception. As expected, we get along well, and I find myself falling into the role easily. Another flare of excitement fills my stomach for this next step in my life.

Because New Val doesn’t look back, doesn’t hold onto the past. She strides forward proudly, one foot in front of the other.



“Sorry. Can you say that again?” I ask.

My ears are ringing, my mouth dry. I must’ve misheard. Because whatever Ray said just now… it can’t be right.

Raymond Hall, Pops’s friend and the executor of his will, peers at me over the tops of his absurdly tiny spectacles. “Which part?” he asks patiently.

“Uh… The last part.”

“With the road trip treasure hunt?”

Hm. So I did hear right.

Ray theatrically removes his glasses. “It’s exactly what it sounds like. Don’t tell me you’re surprised; this is Alfie Holmes we’re talking about.”

He makes a good point. I shouldn’t be surprised. Of all the people who would incorporate a treasure hunt into their will, my granddad pretty much tops the list.

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance