Page 83 of Fall Back Into Love

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“Good. She’s such a sweet girl. I’m glad you two finally got together. Ray and I used to talk about it all the time.”

I roll my eyes. “I swear you two run the Mirror Valley rumor mill.”

“Someone’s got to,” Pops harrumphs. Then, his face brightens and he leans in. “Are you excited for the big surprise tonight?”

My stomach swirls with both excitement and nerves. “I am. I hope it’s not too much.”

“She’ll love it.” He claps me on the shoulder again. “Now let’s get going. Best we grab those coffees and get home before Nana’s awake. Give you a chance to change out of yesterday’s clothes.”

With that, Pops strolls off, whistling away like he hadn’t just caught me smack-dab in the middle of a bald-faced lie.



“Oh, my gosh. Oh, my giddy gosh,” I mutter over and over as I hightail it to the Brookrose.

By the time I left Ethan at the treehouse, standing open-mouthed and reeling—or so I imagined—I was out of time. I stood at a literal crossroads, trying to decide if I should zip home to change my pants and be late for work, or if I should go to work with my stupid blazer tied around my waist like a six-year-old on a water break from Pee Wee soccer.

In the end, I decided that the waist-blazer was the better choice. So here I am, running for my life in the suit that I’ve had stowed away for this exact day—a charcoal gray pantsuit with a cream blouse. My hair is neat and gathered back into a ponytail, and I’m wearing just the right amount of makeup, according to my sisters.

I look prim and professional. I look like the New Val (™ pending). Or I did until the treehouse incident (RIP pants).

And that isn’t even the most embarrassing part of that incident.

How stupid I must’ve looked, gawking at Ethan for a hundred years before finally scrambling out of his arms. I also wasn’t the only one impacted by my fall—I managed to bring the rope ladder down with me.

The rope ladder. Which had been attached to the wood with actual nails.

The mere thought makes my body heat like it’s being raked over coals of humiliation.

But what sort of crazy twist of fate has me falling out of a treehouse and into the arms of my ex-boyfriend? An ex-boyfriend I haven’t spoken to, by the way, since we broke up. If this was a movie or a regency romance novel, it’d be a quirky re-meet-cute. But this is not a movie, it’s my life.

A veritable comedy of errors over here.

No, Val. Don’t go there. I banish the self-doubt, resolve to hold my head high. These days, I’m all about the confident, sure-of-herself New Val.

New Val who is not late for her first day of work.

“I’m here!” I cry as I race into the lobby of the Brookrose.

Ivy Brooks is bent over the front desk and she looks up in surprise, her glasses perched on her nose. Her eyebrows raise as she smiles at me. “What’s the rush, Val? You’re right on time.”

Panting, I check the clock on the wall.

Phew. Five minutes early, even.

I take a moment to gather myself, then stride towards the desk, channeling every ounce of confidence I have (which is a challenge given the whole sweating, panting, waist-blazer situation).

“Morning, Ivy. How was your weekend?” My voice is calm and professional. Almost like I practiced in front of the mirror for a few hours last night. Which absolutely did not happen…

I’ve just been so excited to start this new job, and I’m determined to make a great first impression. This receptionist role feels like the perfect step forward.

Plus, I did my research—small-town-gossip-mill research, I mean. I don’t know Ivy well given that she’s a couple years older than me, but I have a feeling we’ll get along well. She has a reputation for being bright and ambitious, and people say she’s very kind… except to one of her brother’s friends that she had a huge feud with in school. I never got the full story around that though.

Ivy turns back to the reservation book. “I didn’t do much, mostly worked all weekend. My grandparents and I are excited to have you on board.”

“Me too!” My voice is squeaky and eager.

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance