Page 45 of Fall Back Into Love

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She had been doing a cleaning on a patient when the power went off in the entire building. Apparently, the city was doing construction and accidentally cut a major power line by mistake. The electricity was going to be down for several hours, causing her to reschedule the rest of her clients that day.

Then her aunt called…

They needed her to come help move planes, set up for the graduation party, and help answer phones at Flyboys. It sounded like an excuse – and when Samantha mentioned that?

Her aunt actually had the gall to sound offended, putting her uncle on the phone…

“Do what you want, Sam,” her uncle had snapped. “If you don’t want to help your family, it’s fine. I’ll let your parents know you aren’t coming, but don’t you dare ever make your aunt feel badly about asking for assistance. You know she never asks for help – and when she does? It’s only because she desperately needs it. Glory never flies planes or moves them and you know why too…”

“I’m sorry, Uncle Hunter – the power just went out and…”

“No excuse, young lady. Family comes first – always! Don’t worry about it.”

“I’m on my way.”

“It’s fine. We’ll get someone else.”

“Uncle Hunter,” she protested faintly before the phone call died – followed by a quick text from her father. Now she was in trouble…

Come help your aunt please…

On my way, Daddy – love you.

Love you, too

Samantha had been driving to Flyboys, dreading facing her uncle, who took absolutely no pushback when it came to her aunt. That man worshipped the ground his wife walked upon, and Glory got whatever she wanted. It had been like that since she was born and was almost a joke between the family members. The two of them were just alike in so many ways, but exact opposites in others…

Her car made a strange noise just as the check engine light came on… it shook violently and died. Cursing softly, she managed to coast it to the side of the road – where it still didn’t start. It groaned softly, whined, tried to turn over, but the engine wouldn’t fire up.

Car broke down – will be there soon…

She expected her father to text back – or her uncle – or even her aunt, who was the mechanic at Flyboys… but no one responded, which was extremely unusual. There should have been some sort of gloating text because they’d all been telling her to get a new car for years, instead of driving that car she bought when she was sixteen. It was falling apart every time she turned around now.

Sitting there, she rolled down the windows, called a tow truck, and waited for the first response that came… hoping it was her father.

The tow truck driver would be nearly three hours before he got to her.

Sitting there in the sun, wiping her brow and thankful it wasn’t blistering hot like it could have been for June… Samantha was surprised to see a beat-up old Chevy pickup pull over onto the side of the road behind her – just as she identified the bumper sticker on it.

It was Mr. Saxon’s vehicle… only Toby’s father wasn’t driving it.

Stunned, she saw a man emerge from the truck and couldn’t help but gawk at him. Where was the skinny, pasty boy with braces that had fawned all over her repeatedly as a young girl?

It certainly wasn’t this man…

No, he was… breathtaking.

Still tall, Toby seemed to have grown into those lanky arms, shoulders, and chest – filling out nicely. Gone was the pasty, pimpled skin, and in its place was a soft golden tan that looked incredible. Those bright blue eyes she remembered shone from his face, surrounded by neatly trimmed dark hair that she remembered so very well.

She always wanted to push that straggling lock where he had a cowlick near his forehead, off to one side… and it was still there.

“Hey Samantha,” Toby said easily. “You need some help? How are you?”

“I’m good – could be better – but the tow truck is on the way,” she said nervously, hating the way her voice sounded like a croak.

“You want a ride? Are you headed out to Flyboys?”

She hesitated… only to see him frown.

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance