Page 409 of Fall Back Into Love

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I crouched alongside the car door and rested a hand at her arm. “I’m so sorry, Jillian. We’ll figure this out.”

She swallowed and sat back against the seat of the car. She glanced at me. “Did you say we?”

I reversed through what I’d said. “Yeah, I guess I did.” And I meant it. “Whatever I can do for you, Jillian, I’m here.”

My heart beat harder as I thought through possibilities. I literally had a house here she could stay in. I’d be here another few weeks at least, though I needed to head downstate and check on the business in person. Regardless of where I lived, I could be a solid rock for Jillian to lean on.

I’d come here to get a break from the daily grind. Okay, more like it had been one step from a direct order by more than a few people in my life. I hadn’t taken a vacation in years, instead putting every ounce of myself into running my business. I was determined for it to be a success, but the workload I put on myself couldn’t last. I’d already been feeling the burnout. The guys at work outright told me to take a hike.

And keep paying them, of course.

A vacation doing more construction probably sounded like the opposite of a vacation to anyone else, but I went at my own pace. I loved being up here.

And I was infinitely grateful to the universe and anybody up there listening that I’d been here when Jillian needed me. I wanted to keep being here for her.

The sound of tires grinding over gravel signaled the appearance of the animal control van.

“I’ll deal with them and the bat.” I slipped my hand into hers and gave her a quick squeeze. “Is there anyone you can call to talk this out?” More like rant it out. Whatever worked.

Her brow cutely furrowed. “Good idea. I’ll call Noah.”

Good. “After the bat, I’ll check on your car. I’ll try a couple things and go into town for parts. See what I can do.”

I couldn’t fix the thing hurting Jillian most, but I could fix the things around it. It was what I did best.



Noah picked up my call and talked me down from my ledge. She had a busy career and understood workplace competition despite not working in higher education or medical research.

From the spot in my car, I watched the animal control person return to their van with a cage. The guy talked with Adam in the driveway before leaving.

I exited the car. “He got the bat?”

“Actually, it flew out when he opened the window. The cage was empty. He did a sweep for more bats and thankfully, just the one.” He flapped a piece of paper in the air. “I’m following up with a service to look for gaps along the roof and crawl spaces where the bat might have gotten in.”

“To bat-ten down the hatches, if you will.” Ugh, my mood made my dumb jokes less funny.

Adam grinned. “Yeah. The folks will want that handled before they list the house.”

“How does it look in my room?”

He scratched the back of his neck. “Not as bad as I thought, but everything needs a deep clean. Your suitcase was open. We can’t be sure what happened in there.”

“Oh…yikes.” Bats, you magical creatures. You do not belong nesting in my underthings. “Maybe an incinerator is the best option.”

I’d hoped for a laugh, but Adam looked concerned. “How are you doing?”

Oh yeah, my shattered career that hadn’t even started. “Talking to Noah helped. Thanks for suggesting calling her. She offered to egg the department chair’s home, office, and car, which also helped.”

“I can invest in Big Dairy and supply all your egg vandalizing needs.”

I cracked a smile which felt odd after crying and ranting on the phone. “That might be the sweetest offer of vandalism I’ve ever heard. I’ll keep it in mind.”

And then I hugged him. Just threw my arms around him and went for it. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” He squeezed me back.

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance