Page 39 of Fall Back Into Love

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“What’s going on?” her mother said, walking over and frowning. “Are the burgers done?”

“Yeah – and little Toby was getting mouthy…” her father bit out.


“Mama, he said I had the most beautiful eyes,” Samantha announced, smiling – only seconds before it faded away at the glowering expression on her dad’s face. Her mother smiled and ruffled her dad’s hair.

“It’s sweet, Jackson…”

“Not when it’s my daughter,” her father snapped. “Sam, sit with your mother and stay away from Tobias.”

“Yes, Daddy…”

That had been eight years ago – and not much had changed since.

Toby’s eyes followed her all the time. They snuck notes into each other’s lockers and called each other every chance they got on the phone. He was her secret best friend – even if he always looked at her like she was the only person in the room.

At fifteen, he told her he loved her, and she brushed it off. She loved lots of people, and it was nothing unusual… but now they were both eighteen and she knew differently. She recognized that he was a guy, infatuated with a girl… only she didn’t feel the same, effectively ruining their friendship.

Looking over her shoulder, she met his blue eyes-only seconds before he looked away. Toby was still that tall, gangly boy with jet black hair and the bluest, most breathtaking eyes she’d ever seen.

Samantha sighed, got up to turn in her final exam, and then asked to be excused to go to the restroom. As she left the classroom and started down the hallway – she heard her name hissed out behind her.


Turning, she saw Toby jogging over to her and smiling easily.

“Are you going to the bonfire tonight?” he asked.

Their parents were having a bonfire at the runway, roasting marshmallows, hot dogs, and hanging out to celebrate their children’s impending graduation. The Air Force Academy had already accepted Toby into their ranks, following in his dad’s footsteps – and Samantha was attending Baylor Dental School, much to her father’s chagrin.

Samantha knew her dad wanted her to fly – but the Air Force didn’t call to her like it did some of the other kids. No, she wanted to be in control of her life, have her own business like her parents, and having her pilot’s license meant she could fly whenever she wanted… or when they allowed her to take the Cessna out.

The Air Force Academy wasn’t her thing.

“Yeah…” she mumbled.

“What’s wrong?”

“Look, Toby…” Samantha began, looking up at his hopeful eyes. “You are incredibly sweet and my best friend, but I think we are on two completely different pages in life right now. I don’t want to hurt you, but…”

Toby leaned down and kissed her softly, there by the lockers. She felt his warm breath and heard it tremble, knowing he was as scared as she was… only to feel his braces snag her lip.

“Ow… ouch!” she winced, jerking away. “You cut my lip – and you kissed me!”

“Sorry! Are you… oh wow, you are bleeding a lot, Sam,” he uttered, his voice crushed and embarrassed.

She did an about face, disappearing into the girls’ restroom to put a cold wet towel on her lip… and calm down. She had just had her first kiss – and it was from Toby Saxon, of all people!

Peering out the doorway, she saw Toby was gone and breathed a sigh of relief.


Toby sat in the principal’s office, waiting for his father to show up.

Mr. Warner, the government teacher, had snatched him by the collar and pulled him down to the office, after having seen the entire debacle of his first kiss.

How embarrassing, he thought painfully – and knew he would not be facing just his father… but Samantha’s as well. His dad walked into the school office – made a beeline for the principal’s office, slamming the door behind him, before emerging a few moments later.

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance