Page 30 of Fall Back Into Love

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Humiliated, I straighten out my dress and frown. Logan’s hands ball into fists but he doesn’t move. If looks could kill, though, Shelly would be a pile of dust on the ground right about now.

“Don’t mind me. I’ve got what I need. You, lovebirds, can carry on.” She struts away then, sashaying her hips like she’s a model on a catwalk.

The interruption ruined the mood, of course. My brain has now taken center stage, already reprimanding my heart for getting carried away. How could I succumb to his charms after everything?

“I need to go,” I say in a hollow voice. Logan wipes his mouth with the side of his fingers and it makes my stomach flip.

I shake my head and swallow hard. I can’t just fall back into Logan’s arms. Not without talking things out.

“We can’t be doing this Logan, it hurts too much,” I say, hugging myself. Suddenly, the night air is biting and the hairs on my arms stand on end. Logan takes off his jacket and tries to drape it around my shoulders, but I shrug him off.

All of the hurt and anger from the past come rushing back and spewing out of my mouth faster than I can comprehend.

“You shut me out, Logan. For ten years. No communication. No goodbye. You didn’t even have the decency to break up with me.”

Logan looks at me like I just slapped him, but he doesn’t argue.

He just stands there, looking at me with his arms hanging at his sides.

I shake my head, incredulous. “Even now, you won’t talk to me.”

Sure, the man can kiss like a sex god. But the second we need to talk about hard things, he clams up.

“This is why we can’t be together. If you can’t talk to me, how are we ever going to make things work?”

“Who’s saying we’re getting back together?” Logan snaps. He crosses his arms, red in the face now. “I thought we were just having a bit of fun.”

He doesn’t mean it. When Logan is backed into a corner, he lashes out with a sharp tongue. But even with that knowledge, his words cut me up and I glare at him for a moment.

“Right. Well, fun times are over. I’m going home.”

I hold back the tears until I get out of the school grounds and the sound of Logan shouting my name has faded.

Realizing I’ve made a massive mistake, I root through my bag looking for my phone. My plan of action is to get out of this stupid town and meet Leila for drinks. I completely empty my purse with a deep frown and try to think about why my phone is missing.

My stomach lurches when I remember placing it on the desk to sign in at the care facility. I don’t remember picking it back up.

Luckily, it’s just two blocks away from the school. So, I head for it, my mind spinning with thoughts.

Even after all this time, Logan has an effect on me. I wish he didn’t. I wish he was just an ex who got under my skin. Someone I was infatuated with once, never to be seen or thought about again.

Maybe then, his words wouldn’t have hurt so much.

Feeling like a fool, I walk to the building and press the buzzer.

It’s late. Visiting hours ended ages ago, but I’m counting the seconds I can leave this town and I can’t do that without my phone.

Finally, a female voice crackles out of the speaker. “Visiting hours are closed ma’am, please can you…”

A squeal cuts the voice off, and another female voice starts speaking at an accelerated rate. “Josie! I’m so glad you’re here. He’s been asking for you.”

Before I can speak, the door buzzes, and I push it open.

The nurse from this afternoon rushes to me, her face shiny with sweat. Flyaway strands of hair are stuck to her temples. “I tried to call… But then we found your phone here!”

She holds out my phone and I take it gratefully. My curiosity is piqued, though.

“Sorry, who asked for me?”

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance