Page 291 of Fall Back Into Love

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“There will be others in the future,” Bec said, trying to convince herself.

“But it won’t be those poor babies,” Lily couldn’t resist adding.

“I’ll turn around and we can try again if you think we should.”

“Bec, if you go back there, I swear I will never speak to you again,” Lily said firmly.

“Oh.” Bec slowed to take a turn. “I guess we’d better not then. But there’s always tomorrow night.”

“Not unless you want to find yourself and Henry looking for another house by the morning.”

Bec giggled. “You wouldn’t.”

“Neither will you. Ashton is going to be on high alert once he discovers that Henry is missing. We need to stay well away from there for the foreseeable future. I have no desire to explain to him what you did.”

“What we did. You’re my accomplice, remember.”

“You dragged me into it kicking and screaming.”

Bec shook a finger at her. “Oh, no. You agreed because you didn’t think those sweet babies deserved to live with Awful Ashton.”

“Well, they’re still living there,” Lily pointed out. “And my opinion of Ashton hasn’t changed. So from my perspective, we haven’t achieved a whole lot. Other than almost giving me a series of heart failures. Every time those piglets squealed …”

“It’s a good thing we have high fences around the yard,” Bec giggled. “Or the neighbors might see Henry and give away our little secret. I’m sure he’ll be a good boy. He won’t cause any trouble and no one will be any the wiser.”

“They’d better not be,” Lily said fervently. “I can just imagine what Gloria and Winifred would say if they knew. The word would be all over town in half an hour. I’m not sure how I managed to buy a house right between the two biggest gossips in Granville. Maybe that’s why the previous owner put up high fences.”

“Probably. At least I can get the trailer into the yard. That will make unloading Henry easy.”

“He’ll just follow the food,” Lily yawned. She glanced at the clock on the dashboard. “It’s two o’clock in the morning. Hopefully, the neighbors don’t hear us and come out to investigate.”

“Just as well I don’t have to start work until later this morning,” Bec agreed. “I’m feeling my bed calling to me, too. I’ll have to take the trailer back before I start work.”

They drove through the silent streets until they reached their street. Bec slowly turned into the driveway and lined up the car with the gate beside the garage. Lily got out to open it, and Bec drove through while Lily held her breath to see if any lights went on.

But all remained quiet, and Bec stopped the car in the yard. She got out and let down the ramp so Henry could disembark at his leisure.

“Here you are, Henry,” she said softly. “Welcome to your new home.”


Ashton whistled as he headed for the pig pen. He’d enjoyed the party two days earlier; he’d caught up with friends he hadn’t seen for some time, and it had lifted his spirits and given him a boost. He’d even made some new contacts for supplies and selling some of his produce. He must remember to thank Jesse.

He headed for the feed room to get the pigs their breakfast. Henry was always first in line, so he tried to feed the big boar first, away from all the others. Henry could get a bit bossy when it came to food.

But when he opened the gate, Henry was nowhere to be seen and the gate to the day pen was swinging in the wind.

“Henry!” he called. The boar must’ve grown impatient and had somehow pushed the gate open. He would have to make sure the catch was more secure before tonight.

But when he looked out into the day pasture, there was no Henry trotting across the grass to meet him. The piglets started running towards him when they saw the food, but Henry was nowhere to be seen.

“That’s odd,” he muttered. “Where could he be?”

He fed the piglets and sows and then set off in search of Henry. He walked the length and breadth of the day pasture, checking behind every shrub and mound in case Henry was sick or injured, but the beast had vanished. It was as if he’d never existed. Ashton carefully checked the fences in case Henry had made a dash for freedom, but everything appeared to be in order. Baffled, he returned to the farmhouse, worried about the valuable animal. He picked up the phone.

“Jesse, have you seen Henry?” he asked.

“Sorry, I haven’t. Is he missing?” Jesse responded.

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance