Page 278 of Fall Back Into Love

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“That’s not surprising. You work with a hungry horde of men. Would pink cupcakes be manly enough for them?”

Bec burst out laughing. “They won’t even notice the color,” she said. “One bite and they’re gone.”

“Well, you do work with Granville’s finest,” Lily grinned.

“The best team of gardeners in the county,” Bec agreed. “They might devour everything in sight, but they’re a good bunch of guys to work with. We have a lot of fun while we’re keeping the parks and gardens in some sort of order for the public to enjoy.”

“You need another girl or two on the team,” Lily said. “It’s not good for your morale to be the only one.”

“The guys must scare them off,” Bec replied. “We’ve had a few apply whenever a vacancy comes up, but when they realize what it involves, they say no.”

“You just need to find a tough one,” Lily said confidently. “It’s not that bad, is it?”

Bec shrugged. “Well, I manage just fine. We work hard, but the men are easy to get along with and it’s not like being stuck behind a desk all day. I’d hate that. I’m sure there are other girls out there like me. We just haven’t found the right one yet.”

“It’s a good thing you work hard,” Lily replied. “It means you can get away with sampling my goodies sometimes without putting on weight.”

Bec laughed. “I only have to look at a cupcake and the pounds go on. I’m not sure working hard really counts.”

“Don’t be hard on yourself,” Lily said. “You aren’t fat. You just have womanly curves, that’s all.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Bec replied. “Look at you. You’re a chef, but you’re trim. How does that work? I thought chefs were supposed to be jolly fat men.”

Lily laughed. “That’s just a stereotype, you know. Chefs come in all shapes and sizes, and I just happen to be one that’s lucky enough to stay trim despite the perils of my job. I can thank my mom for that. She never got fat, either.”

Bec wandered over to the large window that looked over the backyard. “I think I might go work in the vegetable garden for a while,” she said. “I can see a weed from here.”

“I haven’t had time to get out there today,” Lily replied. “But the beans probably need picking by now.”

Bec smiled as she grabbed her hat from the hook beside the back door. “I still can’t believe you own this place, Lil,” she said. “And you’re letting me live here. I’ve always wanted a place with a nice backyard like this one.”

“You’ll get it, just keep saving,” Lily advised. “It wasn’t easy for me, but it’s possible if you stay focused.”

“I know, and I am. You know me. I just want it to happen now,” Bec replied with a grin.

“Don’t we all,” Lily said. “There’s always something we want.”

Bec tilted her head to one side. “Aren’t you happy?” she asked.

“Of course I am. But I’m just saying that humans in general always want more than they have.”

“Oh, right. I thought you were saying you wanted to fall in love or something weird like that.”

Lily gave a wry grin. “No, thanks. I’m happy living the single life. Last time didn’t end well.”

“Have you seen Ashton around lately?”

Lily shook her head. “No. And I don’t want to. I’ll be quite happy if he doesn’t cross my path again.”

“Aww, come on Lil, you have to let go of it sooner or later. You’re bound to bump into him some time.”

“May that time not be soon,” Lily said firmly.

“Right, well, I’m off to weed the garden,” Bec said as she ducked out the door.

“What do you mean, you’re going away?” Lily wailed.

Her sister looked at her calmly as they stood on Alisha’s front porch.

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance