Page 223 of Fall Back Into Love

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Gwen clears her throat. “I wasn’t going to bring this up because ... you know, it’s just rumors at best.”

“What?” I’m surprised at the concerned look in my sister’s eyes.

“I was playing around on my phone while you were trying on dresses earlier. You know, killing time, catching up on my favorite gossip sites. I came across this.” She pulls something up on my phone and hands it to me.

It’s a gossip site with a picture of Joe and Alice looking cozy in a small diner I’ve walked past in Wilmington.

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Gwen says.

“It’s more than nothing,” I say and order a bottle of Chardonnay to go with our oysters.

“I guess that means you’re staying until the morning,” Gwen says.

I nod, too upset to speak. I’m going to need that wine and my sister. And a way to burn that image of Joe holding hands with someone else out of my mind.



“Wanna grab coffee before work?” I ask Fiona when I call her Monday morning. She came in sometime on Sunday. Her car is in the parking lot, but other than a text that she’s back safe and sound, I haven’t heard a word from her.

“Sorry, I can’t. I’m already on my way to meet Cara.” A door slams in the background.

“Alright. I’ll see you in the office, then.” I get the feeling something is off, but I’m too tired to try to figure out what’s wrong. Instead, I make myself a big coffee-to-go and head in myself.

“Have you seen Fiona?” I ask the person sitting at the front desk in Cara’s spot. I recognize her, but don’t remember the young woman’s name.

“She’s not in yet, but I’m happy to take a message.”

I shake my head and head to Dave’s office. He waves me in the moment we make eye contact.

“How’s it going? Everything still on track for this afternoon? Samuel should be here by four. I’m having Cara set up the writer’s room for us.”

“I’ll be ready.” It’s going to take every minute I have and working through lunch, but it’s almost there.

“Good. And Joe? It’ll be just the four of us. I don’t want anyone else seeing this yet.” Dave is furiously shuffling papers on his desk, and I get the hint.

“Will do. See you later, boss.”

With Fiona nowhere in sight and her office still dark, I head out to the studio we’re filming in today.

My day is as busy as ever, and I work through lunch, finishing the scenes I want Dave and Samuel Cameron to see this afternoon.

“It’s a wrap. Get out of here and get some sleep,” I call out to the actors and crew. Not for the first time today, I look around for Fiona. She usually stops by the set at least once a day, but no such luck today. I glance at my watch. If I leave now, there’s a chance I can catch her before the guys are ready for their screening.

“Fiona available?” I ask Cara when I walk back into the office and see her door shut, blinds drawn.

“She’s in a meeting. She said to tell you she might run a little late, but she’ll be in the writers’ room as soon as she can.” Cara looks at me, and I can’t shake the feeling that there’s a question there she’s not willing to ask.

“Is she okay?” I ask, getting more worried.

“She’s fine. Super busy between the movie and the wedding. Speaking of which, I heard you’re the best man. Any big plans for the bachelor party?”

“Bachelor party?” I look at her, the words not quiet penetrating my mind.

“As best man, you’re in charge of organizing the bachelor party. Please tell me you’re on that.” Cara looks at me with alarm.

“Greg isn’t really into that kind of thing.”

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance