Page 201 of Fall Back Into Love

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“You’re such a liar. But I appreciate the help. It’s been nice having you back home for a few days. Coffee?”

“Yes, please.” After a night spent tossing and turning, I can use a little pick-me-up.

“How are you doing with Joe back in our lives?” she asks from the kitchen.

“It’s fine. He’s a talented director. I watched a few of the movies he’s directed.”

“Is that so?” She puts a cup of coffee and a homemade brownie in front of me.

I raise an eyebrow.

“I couldn’t sleep last night. Super early wedding jitters, I guess. I baked. Sue me.” She heads back into the kitchen and returns with her own coffee and brownie.

“That makes two of us. Except, I reviewed contracts instead of baking.”

“That doesn’t sound like fun. What’s keeping you up? Joe?”

“Something like that. Seeing him again is bringing back a lot of memories. Doors I thought I’d closed a long time ago.”

“Greg and I were both pretty surprised when he decided to take this job.” Gwen sticks an invitation into the latest set of envelopes I’ve addressed before sealing it with a bit of silver wax.

“Are those your initials?” I ask, looking at the seal.

“It is. G&G. Too much?”

“No, it's sweet. And a nice touch. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a wax-sealed letter.” I start to copy the next name and address on the list.

“You will this time. And don’t worry, I won’t make you address your own envelope.” She pulls one of the envelopes from the stack and writes my Wilmington address on it. When she’s finished stuffing and sealing the envelope, I hold my hand out for it.

“Oh, no. This is going in the mail. You’ll have to wait like everyone else. Besides, didn’t you just tell me you’ve never gotten a sealed envelope like this in the mail.”

I laugh and shake my head, knowing when I’m defeated. “So, you and Greg talked to Joe?”

“We have. He calls Greg every week or so. Don’t tell anyone I said this, but from what Greg’s told me, Joe is still pretty into you. He never quite got over the two of you breaking up.”

I grunt.

“What was that about?” she asks.

“That makes it sound like I broke up with him, or we mutually agreed to stop seeing each other or something.” I push the ink pen a little too hard, tearing the thick paper off the envelope.

“Didn’t you?” Gwen sounds surprised.

“Technically, I guess I did. But he’s the one who threw all our plans to the wind and took off for California. He didn’t even bother to talk to me about it before he accepted their offer.” It still hurt.

“Did you talk about it?” she asks.

I shake my head. “What’s there to talk about?”

“A lot if he’s back and the two of you are getting close again.” She takes the stack of envelopes away from me when I ruin the second one.

“It’s complicated. And I don’t know if we’re getting closer ...” I feel the warmth creeping into my cheeks, thinking about the almost kiss.

“What happened?” my sister asks.

“Nothing. We met for ice cream to go over some preliminary stuff for the movie.”

“Fiona. What aren’t you telling me?” She knows me too well.

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance