Page 184 of Fall Back Into Love

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“If you say so. And this won’t be a problem? The two of you working together so closely?”

“Of course not. I promise it won’t be an issue. We’re both adults and professionals. You have nothing to worry about.”

“I better not. And I don’t have to remind you I don’t condone office romances.”

I burst out laughing at the thought of Joe and me ever getting back together. That ship sailed my freshman year. “That won’t be an issue. Anything else?”

When he shakes his head, I rejoin Joe who’s perched on the corner of Cara’s desk, the two of them chatting and laughing. Well, Joe’s laughing. Cara is giggling like a schoolgirl.

“Everything okay?” Joe asks when he finally tears himself away from my office manager and saunters over to my desk.

“Everything’s fine. I’m almost ready to leave.”

He pulls a chair next to mine and sits down. “I was wondering ...”

“Let me guess. You were wondering if you could catch a ride to Rockville with me?” I swivel around to look at him, knocking into him. “Ouch. I didn’t realize you were this close.” I clutch my elbow. Searing pain shoots up my arm and straight into my head.

“Fiona!” His eyes are wide, and he reaches for me.

I wave him off. “I’m fine,” I bite out as the pain slowly subsides.

“Deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. If it doesn’t get better in the next few minutes, I’m taking you to urgent care.”

“I’m fine.” He’s overreacting, but the breathing advice helps. To prove my point, I move my arm, bending my elbow.

“Good. I was getting worried there for a minute. You turned as pale as a sheet.” He does this cute half-smile of his that always made my heart beat a little faster. To my annoyance, it still has the same effect.

“Because you’d hate to lose your ride back home.” I look straight into his eyes, the words a bit more of a challenge than I intended.

“If you don’t mind. I didn’t rent a car here, and my Mustang is sitting in my dad’s garage.”

“You still have that thing?” I ask.

“Of course. It’s a classic. I’ll never get rid of that car.” Joe shakes his head and looks at me like I’m crazy.

“Which is why you didn’t take it out to California with you.” I shrug and swivel back around to face my desk and shove the laptop into my bag.

“I didn’t get around to driving it out there, and there’s no way I’d risk shipping it. Plus, have you seen LA traffic? But if it’s a problem, I can get a rental.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s fine. How soon can you be ready?” I ask.

“All I need is five minutes. I’m still living out of my suitcase.” Joe scoots back, giving me the space I need after that encounter.

“In that case, let’s go to your place first. I need to change and pack. There’s no way I’m driving in this.” I dressed to impress, which means my bra is uncomfortable and these heels are too high to drive in for hours.

“Alright. Let’s do this.” He gets up and holds his hand out for me.

I get up without taking it and sling my bag across my shoulder, barely missing him. On purpose.

“Have a wonderful trip, you two,” Cara calls out to us, covering the mouthpiece of the phone.

I wave and walk out of the building. If anyone would have told me a week ago that I’d be driving back home to Rockville with my ex-boyfriend, I would have laughed in their face. Right now, I’m not sure what to make of this.



“Where did this come from?” Fiona asks when I hand her a pack of M&Ms.

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance