Page 112 of Fall Back Into Love

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I can’t bring myself to respond, so I nod. He reaches out, places his big, rough palm on my cheek and warmth spreads from where he’s touching me. His thumb slowly traces my upper lip, wiping away the traitor sunscreen. The feeling of his calloused skin on my mouth makes my heartbeat spike.

He retracts his hand slowly, leaving me weirdly breathless. He shifts slightly and I see the rise and fall of his chest, the way his eyes seem darker than ever.

“That’s better,” he says, but I could swear his voice is different. Deeper.

Snap out of it, Val!

“Anyway.” My voice is shrill. “One more time on the slides?”

Ethan hops to his feet. “Monster Slide?”

His expression is now full of a challenge and I scrunch my nose, pretending that I’m considering it while really getting myself firmly back in order. “You go ahead. I’ll do the River Rider once more.”

“Come on, Teeny,” he says, then goes so far as to give me that sweet, almost pleading gaze that used to melt my resolve like warm caramel sauce. “We can’t leave without you trying it.”

“I’ve never been on the Monster Slide. No need to change that now. Old dog, new tricks, all that jazz.”

“You’re so dramatic. You’re far from being an old dog.”

“If we lived in the time of my regency novels, I’d be an unwed spinster by now.”

“Sexy.” He chuckles. “Now I’m picturing the evil lady from Pride and Prejudice.”

“Well, it’s not quite like that,” I say. “For one thing, she’s played by the great Dame Judi Dench.”

“And for another, she’s not you. You’d still look gorgeous as an evil old lady.”

His response catches me off guard. Is he serious? I never thought I’d be pleasantly surprised to be called a gorgeous old lady, but then again, I never thought I’d be back at Tumbling Waters with Ethan.

And what is with this calling me “gorgeous” all of a sudden? He’s used that exact word twice today… But he must mean it like I’m one of those show cats who’s back from the groomers.

“So you don’t want to go?” Ethan asks.

I hesitate for a moment. Peek at the slide, and almost reconsider. Almost feel like I could do it and be the brave Val I aspire to be. But at the last moment, I chicken out. “No, I don’t.”

His lips twitch. “Teeny. I know your tell.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Now, I’ll race you. Loser has to get the ice creams on the way out.” I take a deep breath, then say in a rush, “On-your-mark-get-set-GO!”

Without giving him time to react, I start walk-jogging like a madwoman towards the slides. I understand why they have the no running rule… it just makes it so much harder when you’re trying to compete with a six-foot-something man on a mission.

As expected, Ethan catches up to me within seconds. “Did you really think you’d get away with that?”

“Technically, I did get away with it. It’s not my fault you have freakish giant legs.”

“I think you quite like my giant legs.”

I throw a glare over my shoulder. “And I think you’re about to lose.”

I glance around for any lurking workers, then pick up my speed. I’m not running… but I’m also not not running.

“Don’t you know that’s dangerous?” is all I hear before a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and I’m lifted from the ground. My legs continue to kick out for a second before I freeze in shock.

Ethan unceremoniously tips me over his shoulder.

“Ethan!” I squawk. “What’re you doing?!”

“I’m keeping the pool area safe for everyone.” He pats the backs of my thighs. My cheeks flame red.

Tags: Ginny Sterling Romance