Page 28 of Judgment

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I wasn’t completely exaggerating when I claimed what happened yesterday was foreplay. By the time I left here my cock was aching, straining with the desire to take what I rightfully own.

Or at least let her spend a little time on her knees for me.

As if she hears my thoughts, Duchess turns, blue eyes instantly locking with mine. Even this far away I see her immediate fear, and it calms me.

At least someone is still afraid of me, since Ruby and the blonde woman who owns this place don’t seem to realize who they’re dealing with.

Duchess stands perfectly still, gripping the tray in her hand as I let my eyes trail down the front of her.

She’s wearing the same thing she had on yesterday, which is also the same thing every other server in the place has on, and it looks just as terrible on her today as it did last night.

The fake leather shorts don’t fit her lean frame well and the matching band around her waist isn’t tight enough to count as the corset they probably think it does.

The crisp white button-up shirt is the only redeeming item in the ensemble, and I might be willing to pay to see what she’d look like wearing only it.

Not might.


It’s been a long day of bullshit and aggravation and I need relief. Relief I know Duchess can provide.

I stand up and cross to where she still stands. I reach up to trace one finger down the line of her neck. Her pupils dilate and her lips part as she stares up at me, frozen in place.

It makes me question if I wasn’t the only one who left here with an unmet need last night.

I press my pointer under her chin, lifting it higher as I lean close. “I’ll have a car here to pick you up after your shift.”

Tags: Willa Jade Romance