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“Oh no! Kris said we’re doing a cover.”

“Cover art, maybe,” Blue says with a nod looking at me. “This was the song?”

Shit, that boy needs to shut his trap.

“What does he mean this was the song? Kristopher Kingsman!”

“Hope, Tink.” Getting up, quickly, I’m coming into the space, laptop in hand. “Look, ever since you showed me the little taste of this song, it’s been stuck in my head.” I show her the filmographers I’ve been looking at. “I know you love the field behind the house. I was thinking we shoot it there, with plenty of security, of course.”

“Oh, so now you get to decide without me! I thought you said we. That doesn’t sound like we to me. We don’t know if it’s even safe to be traveling with the baby, and you’re making plans without me. Have you lost your damn mind?”

Air sucks, snickers, and mumbles follow her.

“That’s all from the peanut gallery.” I dismiss them as the phones lose their shit and I immediately pull her into me, kissing her with one hand behind her head and the other over her heart. Now it’s all whistles as I keep going until her knees buckle, then keep our connection a moment longer still. “I love you. This is for you. It’s all for you.” I whisper against her still parted lips.

“We, Pan. You promise. My heart can’t take any more surprises.”

“It’s definitely we. As for surprises, I can’t help that I’m the plan man.”

“Don’t be a plan man, be like other guys and make me plan everything.”

“Sorry Tink only blasted me is a lazy ass. But I can promise that any surprises will have you grinning from ear to ear.”

“You have lots of making up to do, but I’m okay. My heart chilled out. You can let go of me now.”

I nod as her bandmates rally around us. Idra, her keyboardist, smiles. “I think I speak for everyone here when I say we love to watch you two, and that frankly Nicolette, you are the best damn thing that has happened to Vagrant Soul Records in a long ass time. Anything you need, we got you, babe.” All hands cross their hearts.

They see, they hear, and they accept, and that is exactly what she needs to know.

“Y’all are going to make me cry.” She lays her head against me. “I suppose I need to just explain this bullshit.”

I nod. “You plan on flashing the mob?” I can’t help but make a joke because she needs it.

“Don’t make me flick you again.”

“Careful, I’m starting to like it.”


Sitting on the bed watching her brush out her hair, I am a smiling fool. I found a great video crew that we are going to interview via video in the morning, and if they can schedule us in, next month should be a great time for us.

“You know, I think we are going to be okay.” I’m not sure why I have to say this, but I do just the same.

Nicolette looks over her shoulder at me. “Okay, as in what? I’m going to be able to carry this baby to term and not die.”

“For instance, yes. I have to believe that God didn’t put us on this path together just to break us. I’ve been broken, and so have you. I think that we fit better together than anyone can realize. You are my missing pieces, you make me want to be the man you deserve, and if you can do that, then anything is possible.” I finish wrapping my arms around her. “I think that you may just love me in spite of myself.”

“I love you because of who you are. How could I not? I think I may have started crushing on you when you started feeding me that fried eggplant.”

“My head may have fought for far longer than this heart. I think my first insult was my first declaration.” I hug her closer. “I looked at you and knew you were trouble, and I have to say, it’s fun to be right.”

Tags: J. Haney Romance