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“But so worth it.”

“We’ll see about that.” I shake my head and leave him standing.

Lunch goes quicker than I wanted it to. At this point I’m trying to chicken out. Figure out where I can go hide so I don’t have to sing one of my songs. Does that mean I’m hiding in the bathroom. You bet your ass I am. The last time I was supposed to be able to use my songs they were stolen.

Hearing the bathroom door open I pull my feet up to hide my stall location.

“Hey, Nicolette?” I hear a female voice. “It’s Akira, the string chickie. Kris sent me as I’m supposedly less menacing.” She laughs. “Does he not know what piano and violin string can be used for? If you wanna escape this was a poor choice, no window, and third floor.”

I can’t hold my chuckle. I push the door open and walk out of the stall. “You can’t just tell him I’m not in here can ya? As for the strings, he seems to be on this new path where he sees the best in everyone.”

“That would definitely be your fault.” She smiles, “Come on, he says you have some good tunes you are working on, if you’re stuck, I would love to help. I mean if I can.”

“I think I’m just having some imposter syndrome. The last time what I wrote was put down to a track it was stolen.”

“That susks, but Kirs always give credit, hell even if they didn’t write it. You got any idea how may artists have names on his songs?” She harumphs. “It’s crazy. Let’s go.”

Tags: J. Haney Romance