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I’ve barely got my phone booted up when Kris bursts into the bedroom and is throwing his shirt at me. Panties aren’t far behind.

“Hey, what’s going on? You’re acting like the house is on fire and I sure don’t smell smoke.”

“Oh, it’s proverbial.” He huffs. “I already got everyone up, we need to leave, as soon as possible. We aren’t safe here anymore.” He throws his phone toward me. “Check the save files.” He sounds disgusted and very angry.

“Kris, stop-come here. You’re going to give yourself a heart attack.” I try to grab for him but he’s pulling luggage from the closet. I pick up his phone and scroll through images of me and Kris together-like-together. From our very first time. “Oh my God. Kristopher stop. Come here. Please.” There’s so many more but I can’t bring myself to look at them.

His chest heaves as he drops next to me. “I seriously thought I was just being paranoid about the windows that morning.” His head hits his knees. “How could I have been so irresponsible? I should have been more low key and less horny.” His shoulders start to move, is he laughing? The little shake turns into an all out fit of laughter. “I-” He tries to stop but it’s just getting worse. “What the fuck do we do?-He wants Te-ten-mi-million bucks!”

“Fuck is my pussy made of platinum?” I can help but shake my head. Kris stops laughing and just looks at me like I’m crazy. I climb into his lap and wrap my arms over his shoulders. “There’s my Pan. Where are you going to take us now? We just got here and have so much work to do.”

“The boat house, we can keep it moving there are so many marinas around here that we could hit a different one each night and not repete till October. There’s space enough, and if I bring the bike, we can alway get off and around faster. I’ll need to make a few calls, but I should ba able to get Trudy Meyer to rent studio space. Plus I can move stuff to the boat so we can do cuts.” He grips my hips and I wiggle, but nothing happens.

"Hey, we'll figure this out. I'll start packing some clothes for us. Do you think there will be enough room for the four of us and our stuff?"

“Four?” He looks at me confused, “Something you ain’t telling me, Tink?”

"You, me, Cat and Bowzer." I tick off my fingers to show four.

“We’ll have to get a litter box, but I think so. I mean it’s three levels. We should be okay, your band mates are going to help us out.”

“Are they going to be okay with being my bandmates if a sex tape is released?”

“If that tape gets released out of context, it won’t matter. It will kill Vagrant’s creds and your reboot will be a burial.” He snifs and setting me aside stands up. “Look I’m not going to let that happen. Erica told me, last night before we even knew about this that we had to make a decision about our relationship. Hide it or go public. How do you feel about public? I mean in your face honest?”

“Well, I sorta thought we already were. With all the pictures and then-” I hold up my hand with the bracelet. “Unless I was wrong about this.” My brows pull together watching him.

He drops to his knees infront of me, “Nicolette, there’s a difference between being open about a relationship and having it out in the open. One is us saying yes, we are together, the other-” He takes my hands. “Privacy doesn’t exist.”

“No privacy? Like ever?” I pull my lip into my mouth chewing on it.

“I mean-eventually, but when we marry, they get to see, our children if we have them, or if we were to adopt, they would want to be behind the scenes. Our private moments would be scrutinized, and our relationship judged from every angle. I won’t be easy, but if it means I get to keep you…” His fingers graze the bracelet as I’m silent. “Please say something.”

“I’ve spent so many years keeping my life quiet. Our kids would never have a normal life. They could never run out side here while I sit on the porch in the rocking chair. I don’t know Kris, I just don’t know.”

His hands slip from mine and settle on his thighs. He looks away and sighs. “Tell me how you want to deal with this. Do you want to go, stay here? I need to remember that you have to make your own choices.” He stands turning away and running his hands over his face and up into his hair. “Maybe this was all too much for you, for me. Maybe we didn’t think this through enough, or at all. I mean I-I love you, but it isn’t enough, is it?” He looks back at me, his face red from trying not to let the tears in his eyes fall.

I push him so he’s completely facing me and poke him in his chest. “Listen here, Kristopher-what the fuck ever your middle name is-Kingsman. I did not know lose my virginity so you could break up with me after asking me to marry you. Do you understand me? I love you. Yeah, maybe it’s crazy but that’s what all my romance stories say. Look at all the movies. The couples fall into bed and are hot and heavy then next thing you know their breaking up.” I push him backward and he’s just gaping at me. “I do not agree!” I poke him in the chest for good measure. Then turn away from him heading for the bathroom. “Break up. Fucking crazy. Here I am trying to decided if the risk is worth having babies and you want to break up? Have you lost your fucking mind? Drink something when I wasn’t looking? Jesus Christ.” I turn back around to face him with the knob of the bathroom door in my hand. “You’re stuck with me whether you like it or not.” I slam the door and make my way over to the shower.

Tags: J. Haney Romance