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Talk about rambunctious, I mean, Teeah is too, but this crew is loud and wild. Like I'm sitting here trying to keep up with about five different conversations, and I do good to understand one. Kris is right there in the thick of it too. Lucky for me, I was able to talk Kris into bringing my favorite chair out here. I'm snuggled up with Cat and Bowzer at my feet. I've been introduced to everyone, but I'm afraid I can’t keep track of their names, except for Markka, that’s the one that’s been feeding me Mai Tais.

Speaking of- He plops down on the grass in front of me, leading Bowzer to pay mind and start giving him kisses. “You okay, nightingale? I’m not making them too strong, am I?” I shake my head, sipping my third. “Goodie, so how much do you love your casual summer clothes? I had to do a bit of guesswork, your daddy refused to go into your unmentionables drawers. I just figured you for a booty short girl rather than thong song.”

“You’re actually exactly right. I do not need some string up my ass like tooth floss. Can we get more flip-flops rather than heels to go with the outfits? Starling always made me wear heels, but really I’m simple. Color is a great thing, but in tennis shoes, sandals, crocs, and boots. If you want to make my outfits ruffly, I’m okay with that too.” I smile at him before taking another drink as I watch Kris walk away with the phone to his ear.

“Oh, I can do ruffles and denim. It’s making a comeback-actually- how do you feel about thigh-length tutus? I mean, with a fitted leather and Spanx, you’d look hot as fuck on the bike.”

“Yeah- you getting one of your own?” A woman with a red messy bun grunts as she hits the ground, tucking her bare feet under her. “Gillian, Concord. My dad is Gill Concord and used to run with Kris. You would look so damn hot on-” Her ears perk up, and her head snaps to the right. “Piper Lyn, do not put that in your mouth! Sorry-” She shrugs, jumping to her feet to go chase down her three-year-old. Yeah, so there’s a kid here too. Talk about overstimulated.

Before I can say anything, I feel a large hand wrap my shoulder. Kris’ smell surrounds me as he slips his arms down and wraps them over my front, kissing my neck. “Hey Tink. You wanna have a little fun?”

“It’s kind of a full house, don’t ya think? It could scar the toddler.”

Markka damn near chokes on his gum. “Gutter brain.”

Kris chuckles, “Mai Tai’s got you riled up huh? No not what I was suggesting,” He leans into my ear. “But I like the way you’re thinkin’” Coming around me he pulls me to my feet making Cat yeowl and hop down. “Feeling good enough to belt a couple?”

“I just need to run in and take my meds and then sure.”

“I’ll get them sorted.” His hand wraps my waist and he kisses my lips very softly, lingering a moment. “Hurry back.”

I run in and take my meds where I’m sure Kris put them on the kitchen counter. I also put me some of my favorite tea into a bottle with a lid that shuts. If Kris wants me to sing, God only knows what he’s going to throw at me.

Coming back out the door I stop in my tracks seeing Kris with the toddler over his head. She’s pretending to be flying. It is probably one of the sweetest things I’ve seen him do. Of course then all I see is him with a family. He knows my thoughts on family. If I’m still set in my ways then why do my ovaries ache so bad at the sight in front of me?

Kris turns his head seeing me before doing this nod with his head that I’m sure is supposed to say come here. Rolling my eyes I make my way to him.

“Having fun, Pan?”

“Sure am. Don’t you wanna stay?” He winks.

“Jason Alden and Kelly Clarkson? Don’t take it easy on me, geez.”

“Come on, they’re about set up, let’s see if they can keep up with you.” He hugs little Piper befor eputtin the giggling girl down. “Go sit with Markka, he’s got snacks.” A little nod has her running off and his arm around my shoulders.

While I was inside they started pull their instruments from the cases, of course the drumkit has been under a tarp this whole time. The one with the pink hair sits at it, while Gillian strums her bass.

“You need to warm up or are you ready?” One of the guys asks.

“Ain’t no warming up for Kelly.”

Kris just laughs and hands me a mic. I smile at him and ready myself. The keyboard and guitar start us off and Kris lets out a breath, is he nervous? I take his hand in mine and smile at him. I know he’s got this but maybe if I lend him a little of my strength he’ll know it to.

We go back forth and like we’re battling. Dancing around together. I’m comfortable with it but my favorite part is when he wraps his arms around my waist.

We barley finish one song when they are starting another. Good thing I enjoy music. It’s Two Step by Laura Bell Bundy and Colt Ford. Thank God I’m in boots. It’s a line dance song. This song is all about girl power and I love it. I look at Blue shocked when he does the Colt Ford part.

When the song is over I bend at the waist, trying to catch my breath. It’s been awhile since I sang and danced at the same time. When I look up, my eyes meet Kris.

“Are you okay?” Doesn’t come out lout but Kris mouths to me.

“I’m okay, Pan. Come sing with me. Show me what else you have up your sleeves.”

He nods and is back beside me as I notice Akira pull out her violin. I eye him as he nods, brushing my hair form my face. Music swells and it takes me a moment to figure out the song.

“Call it practice for our day.” He says just before starting the first verse to When I Say I Do, by Clint and Lisa Harttman Black.

I sway back and forth chewing on my lip just watching until it’s time for me to break in. Our eyes never part from one another. I’m in Kris’ arms and my legs are around his waist as soon as the last words come from us. I love this man so freaking much. So happy to call him mine. I forget there are others here until Kris whispers, “Oops.” Which causes laughter and applause.

Tags: J. Haney Romance