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Kris walks away, leaving me his phone. I use the video chat option because I’m sure he’s going to want to see me. Dad’s face fills the screen as I’m fixing my medicine.

“Hey,” I say, not giving him time to speak first.

“Nicolette Jean Barrett, what the hell have you gone and done? What have you let him talk you into? You should be home in bed. Not out walking the streets of Nashville.”

“Oh, like me, dancing on a stage of an over-packed arena was any better. Dad, I did not call you for a lecture.” I shake my head, taking my medicine. “I’ve already signed my new contract, and we’re going to start working now on cutting a record. Just be happy for me. As for Kris, he makes me happy. What’s wrong with that? I think I could l-”

“Don’t you dare say love because you don’t know what love is!”

“I’m not a little girl.”

“You are, though, mine. You should be home where I can take better care of you.”

“More like so you can micro-manage everything.” I take a seat on a stool with a glass of water.

“How are you going to get the stuff you need, like your medicine and groceries for healthy food that I know he isn’t going to be able to feed you.”

“Then I guess it’s good I know how to cook and take care of my needs, huh?”

“Are you going to continue working out and staying with a routine? You know the doctors said routine is best for you.”

I’m sure I’m going to be getting plenty of exercise. I smile to myself. “Dad, I’m fine. There’s nothing I was doing there that I can’t do here.”

He sighs and lowers his head. “I can’t help that I worry, and I won’t ask if you are or aren’t, but please just be safe. I don’t want to lose you. A parent should never outlive their child, and I’m scared that could happen if we deviate from the doctor's orders.”

“I promise I’m okay. Kris is really good to me. Until I get a phone, you can call this one, and we can talk. I love you. I don’t want you upset with me. If I think something could be wrong, I’d tell you. Don’t I always?”

“Just promise me, no matter how close you get with this man, that you will put your needs first and not forget your old man, who loved you first.”

“I hear you. Kris said you should be able to come out by July. Are you going to?”

“Yes, of course, and if anything changes and I can see you sooner, please, I will don a fake mustache and a ginger wig if I need to. You’re my baby girl, and I will do anything to make you happy and be in your life. I’ve been a shitty manager, but I hope I’ve at least been a halfway decent daddy.”

“You didn’t know what you were doing. We’ve learned everything together, but now it’s time we let the professionals handle it, so we’re not so stressed. As for being my dad, your the best a girl could have.”

Tags: J. Haney Romance