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Pictures are all over social media. That is what I found when I took Kris’ phone. They say things like he’s riding my coattail to get famous again. I’m using him as a way to work my way up in his company. That I cheated on Tate. It’s all a bunch of bullshit.

I set the phone down on the couch beside me as we moved to the living room. Kris made sure to bring in the food and my medicine. So that I could eat and take the things that help me live. He, however, has been in another room for the last couple of hours on the phone talking to God knows who. Of course, that was after some rather odd and paranoid behavior, like pacing the room, checking the locks, peeking through the curtains. For heaven’s sake, we are on the thirtieth floor!

“Pan, can you come in here when you get a minute?” I call out and wait with my legs up under me.

I hear him mumble then he appears with a crooked little smile. “Hey.” He seems calmer, but the twitch in his hand is a tell.

I pat the couch beside me. “Come sit down. I think we should talk.” Why do I always have to be an adult in situations?

He nods, letting out a relieved sigh as he sits next to me, but further enough away that I have my bubble and Kris his own. “Look, I’m sorry I cracked up a bit. I’ve jus—”

I put my hand over his mouth as I straddle his lap. “Would you shut up and let me speak?” Kris gives me a little nod as his hands land on my hips. “Better. I know why you knocked my phone out of my hands, and I understand it but maybe a little too far. This entire situation is a mess, but it’s not something we can’t handle.” Kris goes to say something but stops to let me continue as he squeezes my hip. “I don’t know if they have pictures of us from this morning but based on stuff I’ve read on social media, I’m going to assume they do. I’m not freaking out even though I probably should be. If someone has pictures of us having sex, we’ll deal with it.” I place my forehead against his. “I want you to know that I am not using you to climb my way up the ladder, nor do I think you’re using me to get famous because Pan, in my eyes, you already are.” Kris scrunches his nose, so I kiss the tip of it. “I took advantage of you last night, not the other way around. I thought you were awake, and I’m sorry for that, but I’m not sorry at the connection we have that got stronger because of it.”

He dips his head, “I hear you, and as what I hope you are considering your boyfriend, I am relieved that you are so calm and that you are not angry at me. Now, as your producer and potential new label, I made some calls, have inquiries out, and had Erica, the lawyer I want you to meet, give your dad a call. She’s going to be here in about two hours. I need you to read your contract and to decide if you agree to its terms because you are going to need protection, and we cannot do that nearly as well if we are not representing you in an official capacity.”

“I suppose if someone is coming here, I should probably put on some clothes.”

He shrugs. “She’s an Entertainment Lawyer. There isn’t anything she hasn’t seen.”

I lay my head against his chest. “Do you think he’s going to be mad at me?”

“Yes.” Kris replies softly, “But only because he loves you so much.”

“Are you upset with me for taking advantage of you?”

He chuckles, shaking his head. “I don’t know that I see it quite like that. See, I was having quite the dream, and then it came true.”

The alarm on my watch goes off, and I groan. “Time for my next dose. Never in my life have I been upset for that alarm to go off until now because that means I have to move from this spot in your arms.”

“Well, we can’t have that, now can we?” His hands slip down under my ass as he stands, carrying me in the direction of my alarms and my meds. As we walk through to the next room, I see the landline is off the hook. “One sec, Tink.” Reaching for that, he puts the receiver to his mouth. “Michelle? Yeah, sorry. Gonna have to call you back about that statement. I got a fairy that needs kissing.” Setting me on the table, he hangs up the phone, looking me square in the eyes. “Feel like playing a little while your conditioner sets?”

“With you? Always, Pan.” I wrap my arms over his shoulders and kiss him because I need to feel him close to me.


While I went over the contract with Kris’-er—well, my new lawyer—he made the arrangements to smuggle us out of the hotel, get our stuff at his place and Cat. I really need to give him a better name. Anyway, contract signed, we head to Kris’ cabin in Norris Lake. We’ve got a driver, and the windows are tinted so nobody could tell who was in the car. I’m lying with my head in Kris’ lap and the pup on my chest.

“So, we’re going to work on the record and figure out videos for the next couple of months. What else are we going to do?””

His brows lift almost like a shrug. “Usually? I do a little hunting, fishing, cruise around on my boat, and drink myself into oblivion every night. Guessin’ three out of four won’t be bad.” He leans back his arm around me. “This is the first year I’m up here without my bike. Im going to have to remedy that as soon as we get near town. Would you like to help me pick a new one?”

“I’ve never been on one, but if I’m going to be riding it with you, then I’d like to be comfortable. I heard riding bitch hurts.”

“More so on a crotch rocket. I like a good touring or Sportster. Hey, Jamai, would you pull off when you see the exit for Tommy’s? We’ll be good from there.”

“Yes, sir,” Jamai answers through the intercom as Kris sniggles into me.

“It’s about an hour more, I don’t know about you, but I need a little nap.”

“I could use a nap after the day we had, but I could also use food.”

“Quick bite or sit down? Trust me, it matters.” He yawns, stretching out his long legs.

“I love everything we’ve been eating, but I need something good for me.”23334

“Would a decent Italian restaurant work? I mean, they usually have decent salads and chicken or whatever. Plus, ya know pizza.” Kris smiles widely. “I know a place right by the bike shop if you can wait a bit longer. They make really great gelato too.”

Tags: J. Haney Romance