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Kris has kidnapped me, and I kind of like it. This was, of course, after a small argument about me staying with him. Like I told him, if he mentioned I was sick, Pop would flip his shit. So, Kris left a note that he was taking me and not to come looking. I’m honestly shocked he didn’t pack a suitcase at this rate.

On the way to Kris’, we stopped by the store. Which is why I’m sitting in the car. He told me it wouldn’t take long. Of course, that was thirty minutes ago. I’ve watched as people come and go. What in the world could be taking him so long? I run a hand over my face, finally seeing him.

He has a cart full of shit. Did he buy out the entire damn store? Kris stops just outside the door next to a homeless man. Looks like he handed him food. That’s kind of sweet. Wait, did the man just hand him something back? Kris put something in the cart before walking toward me. What in the world could he possibly have? Stopping by my door, I see this ugly mutt of a puppy.

“What on earth are you doing with that?” I ask, unsure if I should take it or if we should make sure it doesn’t have diseases first.

“You didn’t hear me earlier when I said I was gonna get you a giant schnauzer?” He chuckles. “George has one that apparently got pregnant by a random Basset Hound. I looked it up. They call them Bowzers when it’s on purpose. George is a vet with really bad PTSD, so he doesn't work, but that pup is his girl. They were hungry, so I bought him a sandwich and paid for a big bag of dog food in exchange for this little fella. I kinda like the name Bowzer. What do you think?”

“I think Cat is going to be very angry. He has control of the house.”

“Just downstairs, mostly.” He pets Bowzer. “I got him for you anyway, so unless you’re moving in beyond your cold, I don’t see the problem.”

“Wait, what? For me? Why for me? I don’t have animals. I don’t even know what to do with them!”

He thrusts the smelly puppy into my arms. I don’t know what to do, but then I am covered in puppy kisses. I cringe, but there’s little I can do as I’m slobbered, and Kris laughs, packing the back seat.

“We have to make one more stop.”

“Stop where? Kris, I’m tired.”

“You can stay right there with Bowzer, but the grocery store is not the place for decent puppy things. I’m stopping at the puppy pavilion. Like you said, you don’t know anything. I had a dog before. He died a year before everyone else.”

“Fine, but can you hurry? Please?”


Kris is gentle. We didn't go in through the basement when we got back to his place. He took me in through the front door. It's a nice home. A home for a family. His family. There are pictures of them everywhere. I get to look around the living room while I lean against him. The house is exactly what you’d expect of a Tennessee home. The living room is hardwood flooring with stonework around the fireplace.

Kris has been busy. He put everything away and gave the puppy a bath. Which, in return, meant he had to have a shower because he smelt like a wet dog. It’s no wonder he’s just cuddling with me now. He’s not used to it-all that moving about. To think about it, I haven't seen him smoke or drink anything. Which is also rather odd.

I shiver, and Kris pulls me in more. “I think my fever is coming back.” I cough, pulling the throw around me a little more.

He runs his hand down my arm, touching my wrist monitor. He insisted that we take it since it tracks all my functions without him having to let go of me. “So long as your temp isn’t over one-oh-two, we are okay. You’re about due for another aspirin. Did you want anything else? That heated blanket I offered earlier, maybe?”

I hear a yip, and my head swivels as I see that Bowzer has been spun like a top by Cat.

“Pan! I told you Cat would not be happy!” I poke him in the chest before I start coughing. Got to love taking meds that make you hack up a lung.

“Here.” Kris sits up a bit more from the couch, handing me the thermos. He made a big batch of the High Note tea and has been really good about the snuggles in between. We haven’t fooled around anymore, but I think that’s on me and my snots.

“Thank you.” I take the thermos taking a drink. “I think I need soup or something.”

“Fridge is stocked. Want something specific? I did put the chicken in the crock. The broth is probably really rich by now.”

“Can we do grilled cheese with the broth?”

He snickers lightly. “Anything you need, whenever you need it.”

Tags: J. Haney Romance