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For fuck’s sake. How do I talk my way out of this one? I’m holding a towel around me with one hand while rubbing between my eyes with the other.

“We are not talking about this. A girl has needs just like guys. So, just put that back in that drawer and shut it.” I walk over to him and open my bra drawer, pulling out a sports bra and then changing the panties that Kris had already picked. “Sheets are in the linen closet in the bathroom. I can grab them when I’m done, or if you give me a few to get in the shower, you can grab them. You just walk in and turn right. You will see a linen closet.”

“Are we not going to talk about the sparkly pink elephant?” He chuckles, looking at the dresser, then at me.

“No, like the kiss, we are not talking about it. There are some conversations we need to have, and this, this is not one.”

“Did you want to talk about the kiss?” Kris asks, opening the drawer. “Maybe we should talk about both? Perhaps we really should.” He licks his lips, twisting the base of the vibrator, so it starts.

“Damn it, Kris. I feel like shit. I’m naked and just want to get my fucking shower over with. Can you quit messing with me for like ten minutes?” I know good, and well, if I didn’t feel as bad as I do right now, as soon as the sound of my vibe started, I would have been wet. It is honestly the only pleasure I actually know. No guy has ever touched me. No girl, for that matter, either.

His eyes narrow, and he takes a step toward me. “It would appear this is waterproof, and I am far from messing with you. A good orgasm can clear up a head cold and relieve muscle aches. Why don’t you get in the bath, fill it with bubbles so I can’t see anything, then let this have its way with you while I kiss you, stupid?”

I drop my eyes. “I—please, Kris, I’m—we’re not ready. Baby steps, remember?”

“Right, I’m sorry. Honestly? I haven’t had an actual hardon in months because of all the booze. Sobering up has kicked my libido into high gear, and all I can think about is all the ways I want to hear you moan. I think it’s why I keep feeding you all the things you’ve never had. It’s the only way I can pleasure you without touching you. I know it’s not fair, and I’m sorry. How about I do as you say, put this back, and then call Cliff to get the things you need? But I still want to kiss you stupid. Would that be okay?”

“Can I shower first?”

“Only if I can watch.”

I shake my head but give him a stern look. I can’t believe I’m going to say this. “You have to promise to keep your hands to yourself until I say you can touch me. One of us has to be strong here, and it's my virtue that’s still intact.”

“I promise I only want to watch. To be frank, I want to erase any of the images I have of anyone else from my head so that when it’s just me, I can see just you. I won’t come anywhere near you. When we kiss, I’ll wrap myself in bubble wrap if I have to. I just need to be in your space. I am losing my grip, and what’s scary is I like it.”

“What are you going to do when you have to go home? Pop is not going to let you stay the night!”

“I’ll leave with exceptional memories.” He smiles, motioning toward the bathroom.

“Fucking asshole,” I mumble, walking into the bathroom. Flipping the shower on, I let it heat up. I drop my towel getting in. All Kris can see is ass and maybe a little side boob. “Sink and no closer.”

“As promised.” I hear him hesitate. “I uh, did have one little request.”

“Oh, good gravy! What could you possibly request now?”

“Well, you know how I’m leaving at the end of May?”

I glance over my shoulder at him. “You may have mentioned it.”

“I really do want you to come with me.”

“What?” I clear the water out of my ears. “Try that again. I know I had to hear you wrong.”

“Well, I was thinking about it last night after dropping you off. I thought of a few things, actually. But mostly about how you are all cooped up and that I thought we had real chemistry on stage. I don’t want to lose that momentum, and frankly, I don't want to leave when I think we may have gotten something wonderful started. I figure I’ll go up on the bike Memorial Day weekend, get the place cleaned up and stocked, then you can drive my car up with cat.”

“What do you expect me to drive? We only have one vehicle, and Pop isn't about to let me drive it. He’s actually been out looking for work.”

“I did say drive my car up. Let’s face it, you look better in her than I do. As for your Pop, I can put him to work at Curb Stomp. I need somebody to oversee the distribution and stock.”

“I can’t help how hot I am. It comes with the territory.” I say as I lather shampoo into my hair.

“Careful. Your head is almost as big as your rack.”

“Actually, my head is bigger. Tits quit growing when I was sixteen.”

“Early bloomer, huh? Can’t say the same. I was awkward, hands and feet far too big, amongst other growing parts.” He groans slightly as I wash the soap down my body. “Damn, Tink, could you do a guy a solid and lean into the wall and let me see what I’m missing?”

“Pan, you’re killing me.” Even as shitty as I feel, my nipples could cut glass. I know if I look at him, I will see sex written all over him.

“Don’t make me beg. It’s all I can do, to not come over there, pull you out, and bury my head between your thighs.”

I can’t help but rub my thighs together. How he talks to me makes me want to be a bad—bad girl. I lean over to wash my legs. Fuck. I kinda wish he’d ignore me and just come in the shower with me.

I feel a cold burst of air as I’m pulled and kissed until my knees buckle.

Tags: J. Haney Romance