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When we arrive at Curb Stomp, Kris jumps out of the truck and opens the door in seconds. Helping me out, he locks our arms together.

“Come on, Dorothy, let's find Oz.”

He starts skipping, but I can’t keep up and instead trip over my own two feet. Almost falling to the ground, I squeal as Kris swings me into his arms princess style.

“My hero, what—ever can I do to thank you?”

He smiles, bending toward me. “That is quite the loaded question, given the day we have had. But if you want to repay me, hit the high C tonight.” His lips are a breath from mine, and my eyes dart from them back to his eyes.

“I—I don’t know if I can do that.” My tongue darts out, wetting my lips.

“Do you need a little encouragement?” His nose gently lines up with mine.

My fingers trace his jawline. “Encouragement?”

“Incentive? Something like a reward, perhaps?” The timber in his voice makes my thighs tighten.

“You’re—” I swallow. “You’re making me nervous. Not that it’s bad—I just—I’m not used to it.”

“Good.” He sets me down. When did we get inside? Hell, when did we get to the bar? “I’d hate to think of all the holes I’d have to dig if any other guy was making you clench your thighs.” He kisses the top of my head, his fingers on my sides squeezing slightly. “I’ll be right back.”

“MITTY! I need tea. STAT! Make it a double.” I drop my head to the bar.

Kris King may just be the death of me. I know he’s giving me knots in the pit of my stomach. I want to kiss him so fucking bad. What if, at first, that isn’t enough? What if I couldn’t be enough? I’m just a terrified girl. I’ve gone on dates and kissed a few frogs. Those frogs were not my prince. Maybe I’m not supposed to have a prince, or maybe there’s just no such thing. Fucking fairytales.

Hearing the glass hit the counter, I look at Mitty. He’s a fifty-ish man with a good physique and that whole silver fox thing Teeah goes on about.

“You know you’ve taken my best non—paying customer.” He smiles, watching as Kris makes his way toward us. “Not sure how, but I’m not going to miss him.”

“That’s his doing. I think he just needed something to believe in.” I smile. “Hey Mitty, next, can you make sure it’s got ginger, lemon, and honey?”

“I actually make a great ginger mint that has those exact ingredients. We do it hot too if you prefer.”

”Perfect. Thank you.” I finish turning to Kris. “Whatcha drinkin’ stranger?”

“Seltzer and lime.”

“So, a drink and maybe a dance or two before you make me get up and sing in front of your place?”

“Correction.” Kris takes my hands. “Before we sing in front of my place.”

“We? As in you and me? Together? What the fuck are we singing? Together?”

“Y.M.C.A.?” He snickers.

“Fuck you.” I roll my eyes turning back to the bar.

His hands slide around my middle. “If you ask nicely, I just might one day.” He kisses the nape of my neck then pulls me away from the bar.

“Where are we going?” I’m trying to cover the fact that I may have just creamed my panties.

“I made a request or two.” He spins me a bit as Good Time Comin’ On plays.

I bite my lip as he guides me back to him. “You aren’t half bad at this.”

Tags: J. Haney Romance