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She let me drive my truck, seeing as, by the time we left the park, those five lousy shots of bourbon were long out of me. I don’t know how she’s done it, but she’s managed to talk me into singing a song with her, though I told her it would be the end of the night. We’re at the Radio Bar. It’s a cool joint that serves families instead of just the local tourists and drunks doing pub crawls. It’s got six rooms at the moment for gathering, one for every decade from nineteen fifty to now. Keith Osmond is the owner, and he, like me, was once somebody.

She’s up doing her first set, starting with a crowd—pleaser, Don’t Touch My Radio. It’s fairly perfect for this joint. That awkwardness after the kiss that wasn’t is pretty much gone now. Humor hides a lot of insecurities.

She comes down off the stage, and I watch her as she stops our server. I’ll presume she’s ordered a drink or five. She was moving pretty good up there, so I’m sure she’s hot and thirsty. She’s all smiles as she comes over to me. That’s when I notice a couple of guys watching her from the bar. And so it begins, one leans into the other, and there's the head nod. He’s moving just as she gets to me.

“You did great.” I stand instinctively.

Nicolette is fanning her shirt. “I’m melting, but everyone seemed to enjoy it. Was I okay?”

“A solid six—five,” I smirk playfully as she sits. She’s damn near soaked through the Jack Daniels tank she’s got on, but whatever it is she washes with is doing its job because all I can think is that I want to lick every inch of skin that she’s willing to expose.

“Guess that’s better than last night.”

“Yup, it—” I’m cut off by slick rick in the cheap ass knock—off Gucci shoes and Roldex as opposed to Rolex like I have.

“‘Scuse me, mister?” Yeah, this guy actually says, ‘scuse me instead of excuse me.

My tongue is in my cheek, and I’m ready to chew on this wanna—be a frat boy. He may be younger than me, but that’s all he’s got goin’ for him.

“Can I dance with your daughter?”

I look at Nicolette, who may have just died from laughter that she’s trying to contain.

I run my hand up her back about as un—dad—like as the room allows. “What do you say, baby girl? Do you wanna dance with this young loser or stay here with daddy?” My voice drops like four octaves on daddy.

“First, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. So fucking wrong!” She elbows me. “I’m sorry, I can’t dance with you. See, I kinda have a thing for another guy, but he doesn’t really know yet.” Nicolette looks up at the guy. “Besides, you don’t want to be dancin’ with me. I’m sure I’m startin’ to smell.”

The guy goes crimson as I put my arm around her shoulders. “Run along now.”

His head tilts, and he smirks. “Wait a minute, you’re Nicolette Barrett. You just got dropped by Starling and lost your name and shit.”

I look at Nicolette, feeling her tense as this asshat hollers to his friend to come over. This is why I hate going anywhere but my own place. We have security to protect our people. Here, if this gets heated, I’m going to jail because if anyone gets too close to Nicolette, I’ll fucking bury them.

“Sure, they dropped me, but I think I got the better deal. I’m now working with Kris King. I don’t know what you think, but in one week, I think I sound a helluva lot better. Thank you for stopping by and asking if I’d like to dance. I’m going to decline. Have a great night now.”

My lip curls up as I spy a girl recording the whole thing, even as the guy proves his dickishness.

“Whatever, go on looking like the whore and her pimp.” He knocks my glass straight into my lap. I immediately lift in reaction, only to have her hand damn near grab my cock for where it lands on my thigh to stop me.

I stop, but as much as I like where her hand is, I’m soaked. “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” I say softly.

“Only if you promise no hitting. I think I just saw smoke coming out of your ears.”

“I promise. Just you and me and the open road for a bit.”

“Let’s go.” She kisses my cheek.

We get in the truck, and I pull off old mill road. It’s a two—and—a—half—mile strip of straight and narrow, surrounded by trees. It was exactly what it states. An old mill road, this whole area once pumped out lumber and steel, but the changes in the industry killed it and many jobs. Then the music scene changed, and people found new trades, leaving the road for drag and push play. Neither of which I was after tonight, but with the sunroof open and all the windows down, it was almost as good.

“Are you done breathing smoke over there?” Nicolette watches me.

“I was good the moment we left. I’m just tryin to dry off now.” I chuckle, sitting in my boxers as I hold my jeans out the window. Hey, I’ve seen her undies. I’ve got no shame in her seeing mine.

“Would you like me to drive while you hold your pants?”

Tags: J. Haney Romance