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“Don’t overthink this, Priss. I promise I won’t fuck you. I won’t evenaskto fuck you. When it’s time for that, it’ll be because you asked for it. For right now, we sleep.”

* * *

Abigail jumps in my arms.The sun isn’t up yet, and the air outside of my covers is cold, but her violent twitches tear me out of my dreams long before I realize gunshots are ringing just outside my door.

“Spencer!” She shoves my shoulder with fast jerks. “Wake up.”

“M’awake. Lay back down.”

“Did you hear that?” Her whole body literally quivers from fear. “Spencer!” She presses her thumb against my eyelid and pries it open. “Wake up!”

“Yes.” I blindly snatch her hand and pull her back down into the spoon my body makes. “It’s just Jay. Don’t worry about it.”

“Jay? Bishop?”

“Mmm.” I smack my lips and push my hardening cock against her squirming ass. “Shush.”

“Jay Bishop is shooting things outside your door right now?”

“Mmhm. He doesn’t sleep much. He tends to pass the time fucking. If Soph says no, he shoots instead. Go to sleep, Priss.”

“Spencer!” She smacks my arm, and works hard to dislodge it from around her stomach. “I cannot go to sleep while someone shoots things just outside your door! He’ll know I’m here. My car is outside.”

“He already knows you’re here. His girl hacked my security forever ago. There’s no hiding from them.”

“Oh my gosh. He knows I’m here?!” She goes into a full meltdown, and annoys me with the way she moves the covers.

It’s cold, and I was enjoying the sweetest dream that included the final bit where I get to fuck her. Reality means no fucking, but in my dreams, she’s a playground where fears and pain aren’t something we have to worry about.

I dig my hand under the top she still wears, and bring her squirming ass to a halt when I snake my hand toward the valley between her tits. “Lay down with me, Priss. We have hours before we have to get up.”

It’s like she’s a deer in my headlights, a wild animal caught in fear; she can’t move, she can barely breathe.

Until she can.

Her hand snaps to mine, though hers is on top of her shirt. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?” I’m still half asleep, so I press a kiss to her shoulder blade and pull her closer. “You’re nice and warm, Priss, and your fucking around is making me cold.”

“Don’t touch my breasts.” She tries to move my hand, but she has no hope of winning an arm-wrestling match against me. I’m triple her size and could Olympic lift her… With one arm. “Please don’t touch. I told you last night.”

“Please lay down.” I drag my hand back down her torso and feel the anxiety leave her body. She’s still a little tense, and I know she flexes her stomach as I pass over it, but her anxiety downgrades from panic to nervous the lower I go. “I don’t get to sleep much, Abigail. So when I do, I like to actually sleep. If you don’t wanna close your eyes, then maybe you can stroke my nose while I do.”

“Your nose?” She turns in my arms until we lay chest to chest, and her eyes flicker between mine and my nose. “What?”

I shrug. I can’t believe I just asked her to stroke my nose like she was my fucking mother.

“Never mind.” I turn onto my stomach and bury my face in the pillow. “Go to sleep, Abigail.”

“No, stop.” She pushes up onto one elbow and sucks more frigid air beneath the covers. She pushes her fingers through my hair and pulls until I turn my face. The pulling hurts in the best way, but her inquisitive eyes do something else to my blood. She brings her hand closer until the tip of her finger brushes over the bridge of my nose. “You like this?”

“Jesus.” My eyes flutter closed, and a groan works up my throat. I like her stroking my nose almost as much as I like her sucking my dick. Almost. “Yeah, I like it.”

I open my eyes again to see her smile.

Every few seconds, Jay shoots off another round in the lanes outside my door and makes her body twitch and jump, but she slowly adjusts and relaxes us both with her rhythmic stroking.

“I like that you like this.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark