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“Hook up?” I scoff. “No. Never. She’s with Angelo. I mean, it’s not like the idea of blonde twins never crossed my mind, but they’re taken, so–”

Those bicolored eyes narrow to angry slits. “You admitted to taking that other girl. You took her from that guy in the bar.”

I never should have told her that.

“That’s true. I did, but the twins belong to my brothers. I don’t take from my brothers.”

“Well, I guess you have a moral compass after all,” she drawls. She begins fussing with the flowers by my arm, then as though the idea only struck her just now, she steps away and snatches up a crystal vase from a shelf and begins arranging again.

“You didn’t come to me last night.”

“I told you I wouldn’t. I’m not your plaything, Spencer. And I’m not interested in being your next girl from the bar. What was her name?”


She scoffs. “The girl from the bar.”

“I…”Fuck.“I don’t know.”

“Mmm.” She pulls a long-stemmed flower higher, then stabs it down into the bunch until it sits how she wants it. “That sounds so romantic.”


“Here.” She plops the last ten or so stems into the vase, and pushes it toward me. “For Jess. Add water when you get to the hospital.”

“Abigail, wait–”

“That’s two hundred and ninety-nine dollars, please.”

“Two-nin–” I stare. “Three hundred dollars for a bunch of flowers? Are you serious right now? I only paid fifty for the lot yesterday. And they were roses.”

“Uh-huh. We had a price adjustment overnight. What I’ve given you is actually the VIP pricing model. For an extra five dollars and ninety-nine cents, I can offer you the Illumination spray.” She reaches under the counter and comes back with a little spray bottle. “Spray it onto the petals, and your bouquet will last a few days longer. Jess will love it.”

I narrow my eyes and lean closer. I’m tall enough, I can easily leanontoher if I wanted, even with the desk between us. “What’s got your panties in a twist, Priss? You wake up horny and unfulfilled?”

“Nope, I woke up just fine. Then I ate a donut and gossiped about guys with my friend.”

“What guys?” My teeth bare when her eyes dance. “What guys, Abigail?”

She shrugs and brings the vase closer. “That’s between me and my friend. Do you want the flowers, or no? If you don’t, I’ll put them on display, and someone else can have them.”

“You’re mad because I don’t know that woman’s name. The woman from the bar.”

“Am I?” She leans a hip against the counter and grins. “I had no clue you could read minds, Spencer. Do you know what I’m thinking right now?”

“Something not nice.” I brush a hand over my chin and groan. “Come to me tonight, Abigail. We have business to attend to.”

“No, I don’t think we do.”

When I make no move to buy the pretty arrangement she literally tossed together in twenty seconds, she gives a dainty little shrug and removes the vase from the counter. Walking away so I have to turn and watch her sway, she places them prominently in the front window and smiles.

“If you’re done here, I have to add water, then I have other work.”

“You want more of what I gave you the night of the wedding.” I walk across the store. She made a mistake by leaving the counter, because now she has nothing to stand behind while she gives me sass. “Why are you pretending you don’t want to feel that again?”

“Because I’d rather have a man that remembers my name tomorrow.”

“You think I don’t know your name, Abigail? You think I can forget you?”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark