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Ididn’t go to Spencer’s last night. I didn’t go to Mitch’s or Nix’s, either.

I got a text from each of my brothers, even Troy, and they all said the same:be good, be safe, get your butt back home and love us.But none of them knocked on my door and infiltrated the privacy I requested for just one night.

I ran another bath and soaked my body until the water was cold – because my vagina still hurt just a little – which meant my thoughts were constantly circling around to Spencer, and that both excites and exasperates me.

Mitch might have been onto something when he said IwantSpencer to pee around me. When the guys lock horns, it infuriates me, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit there’s just a tiny portion of myself that likes the fact that he wants to claim me. It might be nature demanding I find my other half, or my desperation because I’ve wanted to find my prince since I was a child. Maybe it’s delusion, and the hunger I see in his eyes is just about claiming something he can’t have.

There’s no doubt in my mind that once I give in, he’ll walk away. Heck, he admits it. He wants a good time, and I want my Prince Charming.

But not one single fairytale includes a tattooed and scarred man who says the C word.

After my bath, I crawled into bed wearing my nightgown and a towel wrapped around my hair. That’s where I stayed, with frizzy hair and a tension headache that wouldn’t go away until just before six o’clock this morning.

I called Mitch at six on the dot, assured him that I was fine, thatwewere fine, then I climbed into my car and headed across town, back to the hospital, but not before taking a side trip to the local bakery.

Now at the hospital, I step off the elevator and experience the mixed feelings that this place always brings me.

I’m not here to see Jess today. I’m on the opposite side of the complex, on a completely different floor, but I know this hall as well as I know the halls in my home.

I wear my usual outfit: pants, a top that covers most of my skin, sensible shoes that won’t trip me up like heels would. My hair has a kink to it today, but instead of washing it out and blowing it straight, I pulled it up into a ponytail and let the odd waves hang behind my shoulders.


I look up and grin at the handsome face that watches me like I’m his favorite person. White coat, black sneakers, blue jeans, and a tie with rubber duckies. He makes me smile and, somehow, yearn for times gone by.

“Doctor Rhett. You look good.” I step forward and accept his gentle hug.

He’s growing out his mustache, which adds a few years to his young face. He’s older than me by more than a decade, but just like me, we could both pass for high school students with our youthful features.

Too bad I can’t grow a beard.

“So do you. I missed you last week.”

“Well, you were on vacation. How was your cruise?”

“Ah, ya know.” He sets a file on the nurse’s station and flashes a wink at the woman that sits behind it. “We had a wonderful time. Unlimited buffets for seven days straight, dancing, drinking.”

“And yet, you don’t seem to have gained a single pound.”

He chuckles. “The dancing, Abby! Lynne made me dance every single day. I was weak. My legs were rubbery the whole time, because she wouldn’t let me rest. I booked a cruise thinking I could sit in the sun and read. Instead, I had to dress up every night and eat with silverware and cloth napkins.”

“Your life must really suck.” I place my hand on his shoulder and laugh. “You have my deepest sympathies.”

“Smart alec. Why are you here so early? You normally drop in on weeknights, not at the break of dawn when all the gremlins stir.”

I shrug and turn to step away. “I wanted to get out of the house, but I didn’t want to go to work yet.”

“So you came here? Really?”

“Looks like it.” I gently shake the bakery bag and smile. “I’m going to visit and pig out.”

“Have fun. She’s awake.”

“Yeah?” I turn back to him with a grin. “How’s she feeling?”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark