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I don’t turn my television on. I just sit in the quiet with my drink, and think about everything and nothing. I take out my phone, but it’s not like she even has my number. I don’t have hers, but it would take me only a second to look it up in a certain software system Sophia developed and installed on all of our devices.

The resources I have now are second to none, resources available to me only because of who’s on my team. Nobody else is as hooked up as us, or as skilled a marksman or hacker. Finding data on people now is just as easy as it was to let myself into Abigail’s apartment last night. Just as easy as it was for me to plan and order a better security system for her flimsy setup.

If any other man thinks he can let himself into her home without her permission, he’ll have to answer to me.

If any man thinks he can walk in while she’s naked and vulnerable, I’ll have him dealt with so she never has to see him again.

I’m aware of the hypocrisy. I know I constantly push Abigail into vulnerability, I know I push her limits and make her cry. I know if another man was treating her the way I do, I’d kill him. But I can’t help myself. I can’t stop this train anymore. Now I just hope she jumps on board and comes along with me for the ride of her life.

After that… I’m not sure.

Will she still be something I crave once I get a taste? Will I walk away like I’ve walked away from every woman I’ve ever spent time with? Will I stay, if only because of the claim I can’t seem to stop, to force other men away when she finally shows a little ankle, and they come sniffing?

Fucked if I know, but that’s a problem for later. For now, I just want to know if she’ll come to me.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark